The evolution of marketing technologies timeline

Learn just how much marketing has changed in the last few centuries

Today’s marketing tactics have drastically evolved over the last few hundred years and, luckily, most of these changes have been for the better. But in order to appreciate the present, we must first appreciate the past.

Think about what marketing looked like only a few centuries ago. In the past, consumers were limited to doing business with whatever vendors they could reach by foot or horse. These limitations meant that businesses didn't need marketing as customers had no choice but to shop with them.

But as technology improved, goods and information could be transported vast distances quickly, giving consumers more choice in who they shopped with. Marketing quickly became a way businesses could differentiate themselves from the competition and convince consumers to purchase their goods and services.

This kicked off a whirlwind of change. Marketing moved from word of mouth to print to TV and radio and finally to the Internet. And today, marketers can reach millions of users with just a few clicks — quite different from their early predecessors.

In this interactive timeline, we’ll explore the many ways marketing has evolved in the last five centuries. From the printing press to the death of third-party cookies, here’s the inclusive marketing technology timeline every marketer needs to know.

Analogue marketing

Emerging channels

Rise of the internet

Digital boom

Modern marketing


Marketing technologies have come a long way since the creation of the printing press, and they will only continue to evolve as we enter this new digital era. Especially as new regulations arise and the death of third-party cookies approaches, marketers will need to become more creative about how they collect and use customer data.

But, change shouldn’t be scary. If anything, having the right solutions in your marketing technology stack can help your business overcome whatever challenges come its way. And when it comes to collecting and activating first-party data to power personalized marketing campaigns, Twilio Engage is a marketer’s best friend.

Twilio Engage uniquely puts the power of a native customer data platform (CDP) and native omnichannel together in one solution so marketers can build data-first, personalized experiences that reduce costs and grow lifetime value—all without relying on engineering resources. Watch a Twilio Engage demo now and learn how to easily create and scale multi-step customer journeys across any digital channel and deliver more engaging, relevant experiences to your customers.