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WhatsApp Group Messaging

By Twilio

  • WhatsApp
  • Conversations
  • Runtime
  • Sync
  • Twilio
  • Applications

With Twilio's Conversations API, you can implement group chats in WhatsApp, a feature which is not offered natively in WhatsApp's API. With this code sample, you can implement multi-participant chat for up to 50 people that users can opt into and communicate through a single Twilio WhatsApp sender (business profile).

How it works for end users

  • All interactions happen through a WhatsApp sender (business profile), not a native WhatsApp group
  • Free-form discussions in the group can happen during 24-hour sessions
  • Each end user can open up the 24-hour session by sending a message to the business
  • Suggested: Business can send a quick reply button to the end user asking them to "tap to join the group session"
  • After 24 hours, the session ends and the end user will not receive any more group messages.

Step 1:

Step 2: You need an API key to get started.
Get a free API key

Step 3: Set up the code sample locally



Read setup instructions

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