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Subuser Invalid Emails


This documentation is for the SendGrid Web API v2

To access all the latest features and upcoming developments, please see our v3 API.

Retrieve Invalid Emails

retrieve-invalid-emails page anchor
URI ParameterRequiredRequirementsDescription
taskYesMust be set to getTask to retrieve the invalid emails for the specified subuser
userYesSubuser must be under your accountThe subuser retrieving invalid emails from
dateNo0 or 1Optional argument to retrieve the timestamps, in ISO-8601 format, Pacific Timezone: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS


POST Dataapi_user=your_sendgrid_username&api_key=your_sendgrid_password&user=subuser_username&task=get&date=1


"email": "",
"reason": "Mail domain mentioned in email address is unknown",
"created": "2009-06-01 19:41:39"
"email": "isaac@hotmail",
"reason": "Bad Syntax",
"created": "2009-06-01 19:41:39"
"email": "",
"reason": "Known bad domain",
"created": "2009-06-01 19:41:39"

SendGrid drops messages to invalid emails. Users can remove invalid emails from their list at any time if they believe the address to now be valid.

URI ParameterRequiredRequirementsDescription
taskYesMust be set to deleteTask to remove the specified email from the invalid email list for the specified subuser
userYesSubuser must be under your accountThe subuser to retrieve invalid emails from
emailYesMust be a stringYou must specify the invalid emails to remove
POST Dataapi_user=your_sendgrid_username&api_key=your_sendgrid_password&user=subuser_username&task=delete&

"message": "success"

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