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This documentation is for the SendGrid Web API v2

To access all the latest features and upcoming developments, please see our v3 API.



Please see the Filter Settings page for a list of the required parameters for each app setting.


list page anchor

List all the available apps available for the subuser.

URI ParameterRequiredRequirementsDescription
taskYesMust be set to getAvailableTask to retrieve available apps for the subuser
userYesSubuser must be under your accountThe subuser being queried


POST Dataapi_user=your_sendgrid_username&api_key=your_sendgrid_password&task=getAvailable&user=subuser_username


"name": "clicktrack",
"title": "Click Tracking",
"description": "Overwrites every link to track every click in emails.",
"activated": true
"name": "subscriptiontrack",
"title": "Subscription Tracking",
"description": "Adds unsubscribe links to the bottom of the text and HTML emails. Future emails won't be delivered to unsubscribed users.",
"activated": false
"name": "opentrack",
"title": "Open Tracking",
"description": "Appends an invisible image to HTML emails to track emails that have been opened.",
"activated": true

Note: The name entry is used in all the other API calls to identify an app.

Activate an app on a subuser.

URI ParameterRequiredRequirementsDescription
taskYesMust be set to activateTask to activate an app
userYesSubuser must be under your accountThe subuser to activate the app on
nameYesMust be a supported appThe app to activate
POST Dataapi_user=your_sendgrid_username&api_key=your_sendgrid_password&name=clicktrack&task=activate&user=subuser_username

"message": "success"

Deactivate an app on a subuser.

URI ParameterRequiredRequirementsDescription
taskYesMust be set to deactivateDeactivate an app
userYesSubuser must be under your accountThe subuser to deactivate the app on
nameYesMust be a supported appThe app to deactivate
POST Dataapi_user=your_sendgrid_username&api_key=your_sendgrid_password&name=clicktrack&task=deactivate&user=subuser_username

"message": "success"

These API calls require that settings are passed using POST.



Refer to Filter Settings for the required arguments for each app.

URI ParameterRequiredRequirementsDescription
taskYesMust be set to setupTask to setup an app
userYesSubuser must be under your accountThe subuser to setup the app on
nameYesMust be a supported appThe app to setup
POST Dataapi_user=your_sendgrid_username&api_key=your_sendgrid_password&user=subuser_username&name=bcc&task=setup&

"message": "success"

Get the settings for a subuser's app.

URI ParameterRequiredRequirementsDescription
taskYesMust be set to getsettingsTask to retrieve the settings for the app
userYesSubuser must be under your accountThe subuser get the app settings for
nameYesMust be a supported appThe app to retrieve settings of
POST Dataapi_user=your_sendgrid_username&api_key=your_sendgrid_password&name=clicktrack&task=getsettings&user=subuser_username


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