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IP Management


This documentation is for the SendGrid Web API v2

To access all the latest features and upcoming developments, please see our v3 API.


list page anchor

Obtain a complete list of all IPs associated with your account and whether they are free, taken, or available.

URI ParameterRequiredRequirementsDescription
listYesMust be set to one of the following: all free


Will return the IPs on the account that match the argument

The list argument will restrict the IPs returned:

  • all : All IP addresses available on account, regardless of whether or not the IP is used by a subuser.
  • free : All free IP addresses for the account. IPs that are not in use by any subusers.
  • taken : All taken IP addresses for the account. IP addresses that are in use by one or more subusers.
  • available : All available IP addresses for the account including all free IP addresses. If a subuser is deactivated and assigned an IP, that IP will show up on this list since that IP address is not actually being used.


POST Dataapi_user=your_sendgrid_username&api_key=your_sendgrid_password&list=all


"ip": ""
"ip": ""
"ip": ""

URI ParameterRequiredRequirementsDescription
taskYesMust be set to listTask to return the IPs in use by the subuser
userYesSubuser must be under your accountSubuser to get the IPs of
POST Dataapi_user=your_sendgrid_username&api_key=your_sendgrid_password&task=list&user=subuser_username

"success": "success",
"outboundcluster": "SendGrid MTA",
"ips": [
"ip": ""
"ip": ""
"ip": ""
"ip": ""
"ip": ""
"ip": ""

You need to assign at least ONE IP to your subuser.

URI ParameterRequiredRequirementsDescription
taskYesMust be set to appendTask to add IP to a subuser
userYesSubuser must be under your accountSubuser that is adding IPs
setYesMust be either: none all specifynone: Remove all IPs. all: Apply all possible IPs to subuser. specify: Specify the IPs to the subser
ip[]NoMust be a valid set of IPs (use the list call to determine valid IPs)If the set parameter is specify, then you must specify the IPs. Use the IP[] parameter to specify an IP: ip[]=[]=
POST Dataapi_user=your_sendgrid_username&api_key=your_sendgrid_password&task=append&set=specify&user=subuser_username&ip[]=[]=

"message": "success"

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