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Programmatic testing of TwiML Bins

If you want to programmatically test your TwiML Bins, you'll have to generate a valid X-Twilio-Signature using your Account SID and Auth Token, and then make an HTTP request to your TwiML Bin URL that contains:

  1. The X-Twilio-Signature HTTP header
  2. The AccountSid either as a query parameter or POST body parameter

Generating the X-Twilio-Signature

generating-the-x-twilio-signature page anchor

Some of our helper libraries provide you with the ability to generate an X-Twilio-Signature to verify that a webhook request comes from your Twilio account. You can use the same tooling to generate a valid X-Twilio-Signature. For example, in Node.js this would look like:

const webhooks = require('twilio/lib/webhooks/webhooks');
const eventData = {
AccountSid: accountSid,
const signature = webhooks.getExpectedTwilioSignature(

Using this data, you can then make your HTTP request successfully, as long as you pass an X-Twilio-Signature HTTP header and the same data in the POST body that you passed to the eventData object of the getExpectedTwilioSignature() function.

Here's a full example in Node.js that makes an HTTP request using Axios to a TwiML Bin URL, and compares the result against the expected result.

const webhooks = require('twilio/lib/webhooks/webhooks');
const { default: axios } = require('axios');
const assert = require('assert');
async function makeTwiMLBinRequest(url, data) {
// Get account credentials from your environment variables
const accountSid = process.env.TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID;
const authToken = process.env.TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN;
const eventData = {
AccountSid: accountSid,
// Construct a valid application/x-www-form-urlencoded POST body
const params = new URLSearchParams();
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(eventData)) {
params.append(key, value);
data = params.toString();
// Generate the X-Twilio-Signature
const signature = webhooks.getExpectedTwilioSignature(
const headers = {};
headers['X-Twilio-Signature'] = signature;
// Make the HTTP request to the passed URL
const response = await axios.request({
method: 'POST',
// Make an HTTP request to your TwiML Bin
const response = await makeTwiMLBinRequest('', { Body: 'Hello' })
// Compare the output against your expected result
assert.deepEqual(response, `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

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