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Uninstall the Twilio CLI

To remove the Twilio CLI from your machine, follow the directions below that correspond to your operating system and the installation method used.


homebrew page anchor

If you installed the Twilio CLI with Homebrew, you can uninstall by using:

brew uninstall twilio



This command may require sudo to execute successfully: sudo /usr/local/lib/twilio-cli/bin/uninstall

To uninstall the Twilio CLI if you installed using Scoop, use:

scoop uninstall twilio


apt page anchor

If you installed the Twilio CLI using apt, uninstall using:

apt remove twilio

If you installed using a downloaded .rpm file, you can uninstall it by running:

yum remove twilio
# or
dnf remove twilio



This command may require sudo to execute successfully, for example: sudo yum remove twilio

If you installed the Twilio CLI using a .pkg file, uninstall with the following command:


If you installed the Twilio CLI using a downloaded .exe file, follow these steps to uninstall:

  1. Click Start > Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features .
  2. Select twilio-cli , and then click Uninstall .

If you elected to use npm to install the Twilio CLI on any platform, then the following command will remove it from your machine:

npm remove -g twilio-cli

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