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Agent Copilot: known issues and limitations (Public Beta)


Public Beta

Agent Copilot is currently available as a Public Beta product and the information contained in this document is subject to change. This means that some features are not yet implemented and others may be changed before the product is declared as Generally Available. Public Beta products are not covered by a SLA.


Not a HIPAA Eligible Service or PCI Compliant

Agent Copilot is not a HIPAA Eligible Service or PCI compliant and should not be used in Flex workflows that are subject to HIPAA or PCI.

Flex UI

flex-ui page anchor
  • If you close the window or tab with Flex UI, your summary won't be saved.
  • If you want easy access to wrap-up notes once they're created, we recommend storing notes in your own system using a webhook. See Agent Copilot webhook for more details.
  • Agent Copilot does not work with multi-tab support.

  • If you use a custom plugin that affects the End Chat functionality, then wrap-up notes may not work as described.
  • The Chat Transfer plug-in is not fully compatible with wrap-up notes.

  • If agents are using wrap-up notes, and you make changes to Agent Copilot settings in Console, then agents must refresh their Flex UI for those changes to show.

For the latest information on fixes, consult the Flex UI release notes.

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