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Call Annotation Resource



Currently the Call Annotation API is only available for the United States (US1) Region. Find more information on the Twilio Regional Product and Feature Availability page.

A Call Annotation captures subjective experience details for a voice call.

For instance, a Call Annotation can contain information about

  • call quality issues,
  • spam labeling,
  • customer-internal tags, and
  • other meta data.

Using the Call Annotation Resource, you can

for a specific call.

To get a list of Call Summaries with specific Call Annotations, you can use the Call Summaries Resource.

Annotation Properties

annotation-properties page anchor
Resource properties
call_sidtype: SID<CA>

The unique SID identifier of the Call.

account_sidtype: SID<AC>

The unique SID identifier of the Account.

answered_bytype: enum<string>

Specifies which entity answered the call as determined by Answering Machine Detection. Possible enumerated values, one of: human, machine. human indicates the call was answered by a person. machine indicates the call was answered by an answering machine.

Possible values:

connectivity_issuetype: enum<string>

Specifies if the call had any connectivity issues. One of no_connectivity_issue, invalid_number, caller_id, dropped_call, or number_reachability.

Possible values:

quality_issuestype: array[string]

Specifies if the call had any subjective quality issues. Possible values are one or more of no_quality_issue, low_volume, choppy_robotic, echo, dtmf, latency, owa, or static_noise.

spamtype: boolean

Specifies if the call was a spam call. Use this to provide feedback on whether calls placed from your account were marked as spam, or if inbound calls received by your account were unwanted spam. Is of type Boolean: true, false. Use true if the call was a spam call.

call_scoretype: integer

Specifies the Call Score, if available. This is of type integer. Use a range of 1-5 to indicate the call experience score, with the following mapping as a reference for rating the call [5: Excellent, 4: Good, 3 : Fair, 2 : Poor, 1: Bad].

commenttype: string

Specifies any comments pertaining to the call. Twilio does not treat this field as PII, so no PII should be included in comments.

incidenttype: string

Incident or support ticket associated with this call. The incident property is of type string with a maximum character limit of 100. Twilio does not treat this field as PII, so no PII should be included in incident.

urltype: string<uri>

Get the Call Annotation for a specific Call

get-the-call-annotation-for-a-specific-call page anchor


fetch-parameters page anchor
URI parameters
CallSidtype: SID<CA>
Path ParameterNot PII

The unique SID identifier of the Call.


// Download the helper library from
// Find your Account SID and Auth Token at
// and set the environment variables. See
const accountSid = process.env.TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID;
const authToken = process.env.TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN;
const client = require('twilio')(accountSid, authToken);
.then(annotation => console.log(annotation.callSid));


"answered_by": "human",
"connectivity_issue": "invalid_number",
"quality_issues": [
"spam": true,
"call_score": 2,
"comment": "this is a call",
"incident": "",
"url": ""

Update the Call Annotation for a specific Call

update-the-call-annotation-for-a-specific-call page anchor



Call Annotations can be updated as long as the Call Summary record is addressable via the API.

URI parameters
CallSidtype: SID<CA>
Path ParameterNot PII

The unique string that Twilio created to identify this Call resource. It always starts with a CA.

Request body parameters
AnsweredBytype: enum<string>

Specify which entity answered the call as determined by Answering Machine Detection. Use this to provide feedback on Answering Machine Detection accuracy. Possible enumerated values, one of: human, machine. human indicates the call was answered by a person. machine indicates the call was answered by an answering machine.

Possible values:

ConnectivityIssuetype: enum<string>

Specify if the call had any connectivity issues. Possible enumerated values, one of no_connectivity_issue, invalid_number, caller_id, dropped_call, or number_reachability.

Possible values:

QualityIssuestype: string

Specify if the call had any subjective quality issues. Possible values, one or more of no_quality_issue, low_volume, choppy_robotic, echo, dtmf, latency, owa, static_noise. Use comma separated values to indicate multiple quality issues for the same call.

Spamtype: boolean

A boolean flag to indicate if the call was a spam call. Use this to provide feedback on whether calls placed from your account were marked as spam, or if inbound calls received by your account were unwanted spam. Use true if the call was a spam call.

CallScoretype: integer

Specify the call score. This is of type integer. Use a range of 1-5 to indicate the call experience score, with the following mapping as a reference for rating the call [5: Excellent, 4: Good, 3 : Fair, 2 : Poor, 1: Bad].

Commenttype: string

Specify any comments pertaining to the call. comment has a maximum character limit of 100. Twilio does not treat this field as PII, so no PII should be included in the comment.

Incidenttype: string

Associate this call with an incident or support ticket. The incident parameter is of type string with a maximum character limit of 100. Twilio does not treat this field as PII, so no PII should be included in incident.


// Download the helper library from
// Find your Account SID and Auth Token at
// and set the environment variables. See
const accountSid = process.env.TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID;
const authToken = process.env.TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN;
const client = require('twilio')(accountSid, authToken);
.update({answeredBy: 'human'})
.then(annotation => console.log(annotation.callSid));


"answered_by": "human",
"connectivity_issue": "invalid_number",
"quality_issues": [
"spam": true,
"call_score": 2,
"comment": "this is a call",
"incident": "",
"url": ""

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