Lookup's SIM Swap allows you to get information on the last SIM change for a mobile phone number. Learn more details about SIM Swap in the Lookup SIM Swap Overview.
SIM Swap Lookups are billed per Lookup, even if data is not available. Currently, requesting a SIM Swap Lookup for an unsupported country or carrier will return null values, but will not be billed.
To make a SIM Swap request, add sim_swap
to the optional query parameter Fields
when making a standard Lookup request.
_10curl -X GET "https://lookups.twilio.com/v2/PhoneNumbers/{PhoneNumber}?Fields=sim_swap" \_10 -u $TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID:$TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN
Coverage and Limitations: Countries in Europe, Latin America, and North America. See coverage. Canada carrier information, including carrier_name
, mobile_country_code
, and mobile_network_code
, will not be returned in a SIM Swap request to a Canadian phone number unless you have special support. Please read this support article to learn more.
Release Stage and Access: Private Beta, please submit this form to contact sales. Requires carrier approvals.
The following additional properties are returned for a SIM Swap request.
Property | Description |
MobileCountryCode | The three digit mobile country code of the carrier, used with the mobile network code to identify a mobile network operator. |
MobileNetworkCode | The two-three digit mobile network code of the carrier, used with the mobile country code to identify a mobile network operator. |
CarrierName | The name of the carrier. |
LastSimSwap | An object that contains information on the last date the subscriber identity module (SIM) was changed for a mobile phone number. See LastSimSwap property values for more information. |
ErrorCode | The error code, if any, associated with your request. |
During onboarding, you will be asked to configure the SwappedPeriod
for all countries which do not support LastSimSwapDate
. For countries that return the LastSimSwapDate
, the SwappedPeriod
will be automatically derived and SwappedInPeriod
will be set to true
The following properties are returned in the LastSimSwap
object. See Using the last_sim_swap fields for more background.
Value | Description |
LastSimSwapDate | The ISO-8601 date and timestamp for when the Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) was last changed for the specified mobile phone number. Only returned for GB, DE, ES, and NL. |
SwappedPeriod | A threshold the customer has chosen during which SwappedInPeriod indicates if the SIM was changed for the specified mobile phone number within the threshold. |
SwappedInPeriod | A Boolean indicating whether the SIM was changed for the specified mobile phone number during the trailing SwappedPeriod . |
SIM swap date and timestamp returned (paid)