Flex Insights (also known as Historical Reporting) is currently available as a public beta release and the information contained in the Flex Insights documentation is subject to change. This means that some features are not yet implemented and others may be changed before the product is declared as generally available. Public beta products are not covered by a Twilio SLA.
Any reference to "Historical Reporting," "Flex Insights API," "Flex Insights Historical Reporting," or "Flex Insights Historical Reporting API" in the Flex Insights documentation refers to Flex Insights.
With Flex Insights, you can build reports and dashboards on top of quality assurance metrics and customer feedback. The results of assessments are loaded into analytics at regular intervals together with the rest of your Flex Insights data.
This guide outlines several built-in metrics and attributes you can use to create insights with assessment data.
To better understand how assessments are related to the rest of Insights' conversation-related data, see our guide to the Flex Insights Analytics Data Model.
The following metrics are useful when reporting on assessments:
You can slice or filter assessments metrics by attributes that are specific to assessments:
You can create custom metrics based on built-in metrics and attributes.