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User Reachability Indicator

The Conversations SDKs include optional built-in presence functionality. You can use the Reachability Indicator feature to:

  • Check a Chat (SDK) User's status (i.e. online or offline)
  • Check if a User is notifiable via Push Notification
  • Receive SDK events when these statuses change

These properties will be available when you enable the Reachability Indicator feature.

Enable the Reachability Indicator

enable-the-reachability-indicator page anchor


By default, the Reachability Indicator state is disabled.

To turn on the Reachability Indicator, you'll need to use the REST API.

Once you enable the feature, Twilio will automatically update and synchronize the state. The Reachability Indicator properties are exposed on the User resource in the REST API and on User objects in the SDKs. They are "read-only", which means you can't modify these properties.

Check the state of the Reachability Indicator

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You can check User objects to determine their current reachability status and push notification availability.

Updates to other User's Reachability Indicator states are also communicated via the update event on User objects and the userUpdated event on the Client object.

Any of the following events can change the Reachability Indicator state:

  • When a User goes online
  • When a User goes offline
  • When a User registers for push notifications
  • When a User unregisters from push notifications


Online/Offline status may take up to a couple of minutes to become consistent with a user's actual state.

Listening for Reachability status

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/* Checking/listening to reachability */
// check if reachability function is enabled
if (!client.reachabilityEnabled) {
// reachability function is disabled for the client
// listen to user reachability status updates
client.on("userUpdated", ({ user, updateReasons}) => {
if (updateReasons.includes("reachabilityOnline")) {
// user reachability status was updated
if (updateReasons.includes("reachabilityNotifiable")) {
// user notifications status was updated
const participants = await conversation.getParticipants();
participants.forEach(async (participant) => {
const user = await participant.getUser();
if (user.isOnline) {
// conversation participant is online
if (user.isNotifiable) {
// user has push notifications active

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