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Senders API

The Twilio Senders API allows you to:

  • Create (or register) a WhatsApp Sender
  • Fetch a specific WhatsApp Sender
  • Verify a WhatsApp Sender
  • Update a WhatsApp Sender
  • Delete a WhatsApp Sender

Public Beta

The Twilio Senders API is currently available as a Public Beta product. This means that some features (including Twilio SDK support) for configuring your WhatsApp Sender via the REST API are not yet implemented, and others may be changed without notice before the product is declared Generally Available. Managing your WhatsApp Senders through the Twilio Console(link takes you to an external page) is Generally Available.

Public Beta products are not covered by a Twilio SLA(link takes you to an external page).

The resources for sending and receiving Messages with a WhatsApp Sender are Generally Available.


Just trying to register a WhatsApp Sender?

Check out our tutorial on how to register a number in the Twilio Console using WhatsApp Self Sign-up.

Or if you really want to use an API, then we have another tutorial for you Registering WhatsApp Senders via API.

WhatsApp Sender resource

whatsapp-sender-resource page anchor

A WhatsApp Sender resource represents a phone number enabled on the WhatsApp Business Platform(link takes you to an external page) (formerly called the WhatsApp Business API). In order to send and/or receive WhatsApp messages using Twilio's APIs, including the Programmable Messaging API, a WhatsApp Sender with a status of ONLINE is required.

Resource URI

resource-uri page anchor

All URLs in this documentation use the following base URL:


Create or register a WhatsApp Sender

create-or-register-a-whatsapp-sender page anchor




Unless you are onboarding your customers as an ISV within the WhatsApp Tech Provider Program, you may only create / register WhatsApp Senders using the Senders API after you have registered your first WhatsApp Sender using WhatsApp Self Sign-up.


## Create Sender
curl -X "POST" "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
-d $'{
"sender_id": "whatsapp:+15017122661",
"profile": {
"address": "101 Spear Street, San Francisco, CA",
"emails": [
"vertical": "Other",
"logo_url": "",
"description": "We\'re excited to see what you build!",
"about": "Hello! We are Twilio.",
"name": "Twilio",
"websites": [
"webhook": {
"callback_method": "POST",
"callback_url": ""


"status": "CREATING",
"sender_id": "whatsapp:+15017122661",
"configuration": {
"waba_id": "12345678912345"
"profile": {
"about": "Hello! This is Twilio's official account.",
"name": "Twilio",
"vertical": "Other",
"websites": [
"website": "",
"label": "Website"
"website": "",
"label": "Website"
"address": "101 Spear Street, San Francisco, CA",
"logo_url": "",
"emails": [
"email": "",
"label": "Email"
"description": "We're excited to see what you build!"
"webhook": {
"callback_method": "POST",
"callback_url": ""
"url": "",
"properties": null



## Fetch Sender
curl -X "GET" "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \


"status": "ONLINE",
"sender_id": "whatsapp:+15017122661",
"configuration": {
"waba_id": "12345678912345"
"profile": {
"about": "Hello! This is Twilio's official account.",
"name": "Twilio",
"vertical": "Other",
"websites": [
"website": "",
"label": "Website"
"website": "",
"label": "Website"
"address": "101 Spear Street, San Francisco, CA",
"logo_url": "",
"emails": [
"email": "",
"label": "Email"
"description": "We're excited to see what you build!"
"webhook": {
"callback_method": "POST",
"callback_url": ""
"url": "",
"properties": {
"messaging_limit": "1K Customers/24hr",
"quality_rating": "HIGH"

Verify a WhatsApp Sender

verify-a-whatsapp-sender page anchor


If you are not using a Twilio SMS-capable phone number, you may need to verify your Sender before it will show as ONLINE. When the API call is made to create a WhatsApp Sender, Meta will send an OTP by either SMS (default) or a Voice call. A WhatsApp Sender will then be in PENDING_VERIFICATION until you update the Sender with the OTP you received.


## Verify Sender
curl -X "POST" "" \
-H 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8' \
-d '{
"configuration": {
"verification_code": "123456"


"sender_id": "whatsapp:+15558675310",
"status": "VERIFYING",
"profile": {
"about": "Hello! This is Twilio's official account.",
"name": "Twilio",
"vertical": "Other",
"websites": [
"website": "",
"label": "Website"
"website": "",
"label": "Website"
"address": "101 Spear Street, San Francisco, CA",
"logo_url": "",
"emails": [
"email": "",
"label": "Email"
"description": "We're excited to see what you build!"
"webhook": {
"callback_method": "POST",
"callback_url": "",
"fallback_method": "POST",
"fallback_url": "",
"status_callback_url": "",
"status_callback_method": "POST"
"url": "",
"configuration": {
"waba_id": "123456789"
"properties": {
"messaging_limit": "1K Customers/24hr",
"quality_rating": "HIGH"

Update a WhatsApp Sender

update-a-whatsapp-sender page anchor


Update a WhatsApp Sender's inbound messaging webhooks and / or the public profile fields displayed to end users. Any omitted values will not be updated.


## Update Sender
curl -X "POST" "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
-d $'{
"webhook": {
"callback_method": "POST",
"callback_url": ""
"profile": {
"description": "Twilio powers your customer engagement innovation.",


"status": "ONLINE:UPDATING",
"sender_id": "whatsapp:+15017122661",
"configuration": {
"waba_id": "12345678912345"
"profile": {
"about": "Hello! This is Twilio's official account.",
"name": "Twilio",
"vertical": "Other",
"websites": [
"website": "",
"label": "Website"
"website": "",
"label": "Website"
"address": "101 Spear Street, San Francisco, CA",
"logo_url": "",
"emails": [
"email": "",
"label": "Email"
"description": "Twilio powers your customer engagement innovation."
"webhook": {
"callback_method": "POST",
"callback_url": ""
"url": "",
"properties": {
"messaging_limit": "1K Customers/24hr",
"quality_rating": "HIGH"

Delete a WhatsApp Sender

delete-a-whatsapp-sender page anchor




This is not reversible! Use extreme care as Twilio Support will not be able to help if you accidentally delete a WhatsApp Sender that is being used in Production.


curl -X "DELETE" "" \

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