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Virtual Classroom

By Twilio

  • COVID use case
  • Video
  • SMS
  • Twilio
  • Social Impact
  • Applications

Build an app to enable robust virtual classroom time between teachers and students. We suggest that you leverage multiple Twilio code samples to enable you to put together a complete app. The primary code sample you will need is available below - it will take you to the Video Collaboration sample. We also recommend:

  • Collaborative Virtual Whiteboarding using the Data Track API. Enable students and teacher to collaborate via whiteboard. Alternatively, enable the teacher to whiteboard as a supplement to educational materials. 
  • Office Hours Phone Number Enable students or parents to connect with teachers during dedicated office hours via text and phone call - using a different phone number from their personal telephone. Route calls to voicemail outside office hours.
  • Notify students via SMS when new homework is posted. Automatically notify students when online adjustments are made - for example, to an online website that hosts things like agendas, homework, or other pertinent information.

Step 1: Choose a language

Step 2: You need an API key to get started.
Get a free API key

Step 3: Set up the code sample locally



Read setup instructions

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