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Twilio/call-to-action buttons let recipients tap to trigger actions such as launching a website, copying a coupon code, or making a phone call.

If you are using a URL button and want to submit the template for WhatsApp approval, the URL must resolve to a publicly accessible website. If there is a variable, a valid path sample should be included in the variables array. The combined URL should resolve to a publicly accessible website.


"url": ["{{1}}"] would include a path sample in the variables definition. "variables": {"1": "docs"}



Twilio/call-to-action templates can be sent via WhatsApp for out of session messages with variables. If the template's body starts or ends with a variable or has two variables next to each other, the template will not be approved by WhatsApp without a sample variable. For additional information about variables see Using Variables with Content Templates.

Supported Channels

supported-channels page anchor

WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger

Content Api - CTA preview.


  • Type: string
  • Required: yes
  • Variable Support: yes
  • Description: The text of the message you want to send. This is included as a regular text message.
    • Maximum 640 characters


  • Type: array
  • Required: Yes
  • Variable Support: Yes
  • Description: Call to action templates support URL, PHONE, COPY_CODE, and VOICE_CALL buttons.


Limitations -

  • Only 1 of the 2 call options can be on a template: PHONE or VOICE_CALL.
  • Up to 2 URL buttons are allowed.
  • VOICE_CALL is currently a private beta in select regions.



  • parameters
    • type: URL
    • title: Button text of URL redirect button. Variables are not supported. Max 25 chars.
    • url: URL opened when end user clicks the button. Variables are supported at the end of the url string.


  • parameters
    • type: PHONE
    • title: Button text of URL redirect button. Variables are not supported. Max 25 chars.
    • phone: Phone number to call when the recipient taps the button. E.164 formatted. Variables are not supported.


  • parameters
    • type: VOICE_CALL
    • title: Button text of VOIP call button. Variables are not supported. Max 25 chars.


  • parameters
    • type: COPY_CODE
    • title: Button text of copy code button. Variables are not supported. Max 25 chars.
    • code: Coupon code that is copied to end user clipboard after clicking button. Variables are supported.

Create a Call-To-Action Template

create-a-call-to-action-template page anchor

// Install the C# / .NET helper library from
using System;
using Twilio;
using Twilio.Rest.Content.V1;
TwilioClient.Init(accountSid, authToken);
// define the twilio/call-to-action type
var twilioCallToAction = new TwilioCallToAction.Builder();
twilioCallToAction.WithBody("Owl Air: We will see you soon! Flight {{1}} to {{2}} departs at {{3}} from Gate {{4}}.");
var cta1 = new CallToAction.Builder()
.WithTitle("Check Flight Status")
var cta2 = new CallToAction.Builder()
.WithTitle("Call Support")
twilioCallToAction.WithActions(new List<CallToAction>() { cta1, cta2 });
// define all the content types to be part of the template
var types = new Types.Builder();
// build the create request object
var contentCreateRequest = new ContentCreateRequest.Builder();
contentCreateRequest.WithVariables(new Dictionary<string, string>() { {"1", "flight_number"}, {"2", "arrival_city"}, {"3", "departure_time"}, {"4", "gate_number"}, {"5", "url_suffix"} });
// create the twilio template
var contentTemplate = await CreateAsync(contentCreateRequest.Build());
Console.WriteLine($"Created Twilio Content Template SID: {contentTemplate.Sid}");


"date_created": "2022-01-15T17:09:58Z",
"date_updated": "2022-01-15T17:09:58Z",
"friendly_name": "owl_air_cta",
"language": "en",
"links": {
"approval_fetch": "",
"approval_create": ""
"types": {
"twilio/call-to-action": {
"actions": [
"url": "{{5}}",
"type": "URL",
"title": "Check Flight Status"
"phone_number": "+15555551234",
"type": "PHONE_NUMBER",
"title": "Call Support"
"body": "Owl Air: We will see you soon! Flight {{1}} to {{2}} departs at {{3}} from Gate {{4}}."
"url": "",
"variables": {
"1": "flight_number",
"3": "departure_time",
"2": "arrival_city",
"5": "url_suffix",
"4": "gate_number"

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