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Whatsapp/card is a structured template which can be used to send a series of related information. It must include a body and at least one additional field.



WhatsApp card cannot have both a Text Header and Media Header



On WhatsApp, a card must be approved as a template before it can be sent. If you use variables with whatsapp/card, then additional approval steps are required.

If a whatsapp/card template is created with media and with variables and you plan to submit this template to WhatsApp for approval, a valid media sample is required. Static media urls should resolve to publicly hosted media files. Variable media urls should include a valid media URL suffix in the variable declaration.

Only one type of media can be sent per approved variable WhatsApp card template. WhatsApp classifies approved templates into 1 of 3 types of media headers (Image, Video, Document) based on the sample that was submitted. Once the template has been approved another type of media header cannot be sent using the template.

Ex. If a template is approved with an image then a video cannot be sent using the same template.

In the Media field of the template you create, provide the URL of the publicly hosted file.

If you are using a media in the card with a variable. Please submit a sample path of a publicly hosted image URL in the variable array. The combined URL must contain the file type. The combined URL must resolve to a publicly hosted file.


"media": ["{{1}}"] would include a path sample in the variables definition. "variables": {"1": "images/library-logo-resource2x.width-1000.png"}

If you are using a call-to-action URL button in your card, the URL must resolve to a publicly accessible website. If there is a variable, a valid path sample should be included in the variables array. The combined URL should resolve to a publicly accessible website.


"url": ["{{1}}"] would include a path sample in the variables definition. "variables": {"1": "docs"}



  • If the template's body starts or ends with a variable or has two variables next to each other, the template will not be approved by WhatsApp without a sample variable. For additional information about variables see here .
  • Update the phone number to a valid phone number in the actions array below when creating your template. This template will fail to send otherwise.

Supported Channels

supported-channels page anchor




  • Type: string
  • Required: yes
  • Variable Support: yes
  • Description: body of card.

    • Maximum: 1024 characters


  • Type: string
  • Required: no
  • Variable Support: no
  • Description: footer of card.

    • Maximum: 60 characters


  • Type: string[]
  • Required: no
  • Variable Support: yes
  • Description: The URL of the media to send with the message.

    • Supported and Accepted media types can be referenced here (MMS) and here (WhatsApp).
    • Cannot be present if header_text is present


  • Type: string
  • Required: no
  • Variable Support: yes
  • Description: Bolded header text of card.

    • Maximum: 60 characters
    • Cannot be present if media is present


  • Type: array
  • Required: Yes
  • Variable Support: Yes
  • Description: Cards can contain buttons which are defined using an actions array.




Limitations -

  • Only 1 of the 2 call options can be on a template: PHONE or VOICE_CALL.
  • Up to 2 URL buttons are allowed.
  • VOICE_CALL is currently a private beta in select regions.
  • Up to 5 quick reply buttons are allowed. If the content template is being sent in session over WhatsApp without approval, only 3 buttons are allowed.


  • parameters
    • type: QUICK_REPLY
    • title: Button text of quick reply button. Appears in Body and ButtonText fields in inbound when selected by end user. Variables are not supported. Max 25 chars.
    • id: Not visible to end user. Appears in ButtonPayload fields in inbound when selected by end user. Variables are supported.


  • parameters
    • type: URL
    • title: Button text of URL redirect button. Variables are not supported. Max 25 chars.
    • url: URL opened when end user clicks the button. Variables are supported at the end of the url string.


  • parameters
    • type: PHONE
    • title: Button text of URL redirect button. Variables are not supported. Max 25 chars.
    • phone: Phone number to call when the recipient taps the button. E.164 formatted. Variables are not supported.


  • parameters
    • type: VOICE_CALL
    • title: Button text of VOIP call button. Variables are not supported. Max 25 chars.


  • parameters
    • type: COPY_CODE
    • title: Button text of copy code button. Variables are not supported. Max 25 chars.
    • code: Coupon code that is copied to end user clipboard after clicking button. Variables are supported.

Create a WhatsApp Card Template

create-a-whatsapp-card-template page anchor

// Install the C# / .NET helper library from
using System;
using Twilio;
using Twilio.Rest.Content.V1;
TwilioClient.Init(accountSid, authToken);
// define the whatsapp/card
var whatsappCard = new WhatsappCard.Builder();
whatsappCard.WithBody("Congratulations, you have reached Elite status! Add code {{1}} for 10% off.");
whatsappCard.WithHeaderText("This is a {{1}} card");
whatsappCard.WithFooter("To unsubscribe, reply Stop");
var cardAction1 = new CardAction.Builder()
.WithTitle("Order Online")
var cardAction2 = new CardAction.Builder()
.WithTitle("Call Us")
whatsappCard.WithActions(new List<CardAction>() { cardAction1, cardAction2 });
// define all the content types to be part of the template
var types = new Types.Builder();
// build the create request object
var contentCreateRequest = new ContentCreateRequest.Builder();
contentCreateRequest.WithVariables(new Dictionary<string, string>() { {"1", "coupon_code"} });
// create the twilio template
var contentTemplate = await CreateAsync(contentCreateRequest.Build());
Console.WriteLine($"Created Twilio Content Template SID: {contentTemplate.Sid}");


"date_created": "2023-08-03T14:54:47Z",
"date_updated": "2023-08-03T14:54:47Z",
"friendly_name": "owl_coupon_code",
"language": "en",
"links": {
"approval_create": "",
"approval_fetch": ""
"types": {
"whatsapp/card": {
"actions": [
"title": "Order Online",
"type": "URL",
"url": ""
"phone": "+1555554567",
"title": "Call Us",
"type": "PHONE_NUMBER"
"body": "Congratulations, you have reached Elite status! Add code {{1}} for 10% off.",
"footer": "To unsubscribe, reply Stop",
"header_text": "This is a {{1}} card",
"media": null
"url": "",
"variables": {
"1": "coupon_code"

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