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Twilio/list-picker includes a menu of up to 10 options, which offers a simple way for users to make a selection.



List-picker templates are only available once the end user is in a 24 hr session. They can not initiate a business initiated session.

List-picker templates are not supported for approval on WhatsApp and can't be submitted for approval.

Supported Channels

supported-channels page anchor


Message Preview.


  • Type: string
  • Required: yes
  • Variable Support: yes
  • Description: The text of the message you want to send. This is included as a regular text message.

    • Maximum 1024 characters


  • Type: string
  • Required: yes
  • Variable Support: yes
  • Description: Display value for the primary button.

    • It cannot be an empty string and must be unique within the message.


  • Type: array[List Items]
  • Required: yes
  • Variable Support: See List Item definition below.
  • Description: Array of list item objects.

    • Minimum: 1 item; maximum: 10 items


  • Type: string
  • Required: yes
  • Variable Support: yes
  • Description: Display value for the item

    • Maximum: 24 characters


  • Type: string
  • Required: yes
  • Variable Support: yes
  • Description: Unique item identifier. Not visible to the recipient.

    • Maximum: 200 characters


  • Type: string
  • Required: no
  • Variable Support: yes
  • Description: Description of the item.

    • Maximum: 72 characters

Create a List Picker Template

create-a-list-picker-template page anchor

// Install the C# / .NET helper library from
using System;
using Twilio;
using Twilio.Rest.Content.V1;
TwilioClient.Init(accountSid, authToken);
// define the twilio/list-picker
var twilioListPicker = new TwilioListPicker.Builder();
twilioListPicker.WithBody("Owl Air Flash Sale! Hurry! Sale ends on {{1}}!");
var item1 = new ListPickerItems.Builder()
.WithItem("SFO to NYC for $299")
.WithDescription("Owl Air Flight 1337 to LGA")
var item2 = new ListPickerItems.Builder()
.WithItem("OAK to Denver for $149")
.WithDescription("Owl Air Flight 5280 to DEN")
var item3 = new ListPickerItems.Builder()
.WithItem("LAX to Chicago for $199")
.WithDescription("Owl Air Flight 96 to ORD")
twilioListPicker.WithItems(new List<ListPickerItems>() { item1, item2, item3 });
// define all the content types to be part of the template
var types = new Types.Builder();
// build the create request object
var contentCreateRequest = new ContentCreateRequest.Builder();
contentCreateRequest.WithVariables(new Dictionary<string, string>() { {"1", "end_date"} });
// create the twilio template
var contentTemplate = await CreateAsync(contentCreateRequest.Build());
Console.WriteLine($"Created Twilio Content Template SID: {contentTemplate.Sid}");


"date_created": "2022-08-29T15:46:11Z",
"date_updated": "2022-08-29T15:46:11Z",
"friendly_name": "owl_air_list",
"language": "en",
"links": {
"approval_create": "",
"approval_fetch": ""
"types": {
"twilio/list-picker": {
"body": "Owl Air Flash Sale! Hurry! Sale ends on {{1}}!",
"button": "Select a destination",
"items": [
"description": "Owl Air Flight 1337 to LGA",
"id": "SFO1337",
"item": "SFO to NYC for $299"
"description": "Owl Air Flight 5280 to DEN",
"id": "OAK5280",
"item": "OAK to Denver for $149"
"description": "Owl Air Flight 96 to ORD",
"id": "LAX96",
"item": "LAX to Chicago for $199"
"twilio/text": {
"body": "We have flights to the following destinations: (1) SFO, (2) OAK, (3) LAX. Hurry! Sale ends on {{1}}!"
"url": "",
"variables": {
"1": "end_date"

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