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Twilio Messaging Channels

Twilio supports sending and receiving messages through multiple messaging channel. To serve your various messaging needs these currently include:

  • SMS
  • MMS
  • Rich Communication Services (RCS)
  • WhatsApp
  • Facebook Messenger

Support in Twilio products

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Messaging channels are supported in various Twilio products to enable your diverse use cases from one-directional communication to stateful conversations in both single channel and omni-channel settings.

These products allow you to work with messaging channels using no-code/low-code and fully programmable messaging solution approaches.

The following table indicates which messaging channels are supported by which Twilio products (GA = Generally Available).

Twilio ProductSMS/MMSWhatsAppFacebook MessengerRCS
Programmable MessagingGAGAPublic BetaPublic Beta
ConversationsGAGAPublic BetaNot supported
FlexGAGAPublic BetaNot supported
VerifyGAGANot supportedGA

As you work towards a rich and consistent messaging user experience across these messaging channels, consider using the Twilio Content Template Builder as a framework for message template generation and management.

Understand channel addresses

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Working with messages in all these messaging channels requires identifying senders (from) and receivers (to) by means of channel-specific addresses. The following table explains the channel address conventions Twilio uses for each of the messaging channels.

Adhering to these conventions is critical when you create and handle messages with Twilio products such as the Programmable Messaging REST API.

ChannelChannel Address
SMS/MMSAn SMS/MMS-capable phone number. Format: Phone number in E.164 format Example: +15558675310
RCSAn RCS Sender with a branded display name and profile shown to message recipients. Format: rcs:{unique_id} Example: rcs:brand_name_n9c2bvqq_agent
WhatsAppA WhatsApp-enabled phone number prefixed by the channel name. Format: whatsapp:{phone_number} where {phone_number} is the phone number in E.164 format Example: whatsapp:+15558675310
Facebook MessengerYour valid Facebook Page Id prefixed by the channel name, or a Messenger User Id prefixed by the channel name. Format: messenger:{messenger_page_id} or messenger:{messenger_user_id} Example: messenger:XYZXYZXYZ

Getting started with the Messaging Channels

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To get started using the SMS/MMS messaging channel follow a Programmable Messaging Quickstart in the programming language of your choice.

To get started using the RCS messaging channel, follow the Programmable Messaging RCS Onboarding Guide.

To start using the WhatsApp Business Platform messaging channel, learn more about the onboarding process or get started now with the WhatsApp sandbox.

To start using the Facebook Messenger messaging channel with your Twilio account, follow the information in the Facebook Messenger page.

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