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A2P 10DLC - Registration for Government and Nonprofit Agencies

Government and nonprofit agencies are eligible for A2P 10DLC Special Use Cases(link takes you to an external page), which allow for increased messaging throughput and/or discounted pricing on the T-Mobile network.

This document lists the specific steps required to register your A2P 10DLC Brand and Campaigns if you are a government or nonprofit organization.

Read this guide before beginning A2P 10DLC registration to ensure that your organization can use the appropriate A2P 10DLC Use Case.



If you are registering a 527 political organization, there are additional required steps. Read the 527 political organization section at the bottom of this page before starting the A2P 10DLC registration process.

Direct Customer

direct-customer page anchor

This section is for Direct Customers who are registering their own government or nonprofit organization for A2P 10DLC. This section covers the values you need to provide at specific points in the A2P 10DLC registration process.

Direct Customer - Government organizations

direct-customer---government-organizations page anchor

Direct Customer - Nonprofit agencies

direct-customer---nonprofit-agencies page anchor

This section covers the values that must be provided by an ISV when registering their customer's government or nonprofit organization for A2P 10DLC.

ISV - Registering a government organization

isv---registering-a-government-organization page anchor

ISV - Registering a nonprofit organization

isv---registering-a-nonprofit-organization page anchor

Additional steps for ISVs registering a 527 political organization

additional-steps-for-isvs-registering-a-527-political-organization page anchor

This section covers the two additional steps required for 527 political organizations to have access to the Political Special Use Case.

  • When creating the BrandRegistration resource for a 527 political organization, skip_automatic_sec_vet must be true as shown in the code sample in the onboarding guide .
  • After the BrandRegistration's status is APPROVED, you need to create a BrandVetting resource.
    • This API request associates the Campaign Verify token with the BrandRegistration resource. A sample request is shown below.
    • The vetting_provider is campaign-verify .
    • The vetting_id is the Campaign Verify token.

Create a BrandVetting resource for a 527 political organization

create-a-brandvetting-resource-for-a-527-political-organization page anchor

// Download the helper library from
const twilio = require("twilio"); // Or, for ESM: import twilio from "twilio";
// Find your Account SID and Auth Token at
// and set the environment variables. See
const accountSid = process.env.TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID;
const authToken = process.env.TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN;
const client = twilio(accountSid, authToken);
async function createBrandVetting() {
const brandVetting = await client.messaging.v1
vettingProvider: "campaign-verify",


"account_sid": "AC78e8e67fc0246521490fb9907fd0c165",
"brand_vetting_sid": "VT12445353",
"vetting_provider": "campaign-verify",
"vetting_id": "cv|1.0|tcr|10dlc|9975c339-d46f-49b7-a399-2e6d5ebac66d|EXAMPLEjEd8xSlaAgRXAXXBUNBT2AgL-LdQuPveFhEyY",
"vetting_class": "POLITICAL",
"vetting_status": "IN_PROGRESS",
"date_created": "2021-01-27T14:18:35Z",
"date_updated": "2021-01-27T14:18:35Z",
"url": ""

527 political organizations

527-political-organizations page anchor


This section only applies to 527 political organizations that need to register for A2P 10DLC.

Campaign Verify is a secure, non-partisan verification solution for US political organizations who wish to engage with voters via A2P 10DLC messaging.

All 527 political organizations sending political communications on behalf of a federal, state, or local political campaign must be verified by Campaign Verify(link takes you to an external page) to unlock the Political Special Campaign Use Case with increased messaging limits.



You should read the Campaign Verify FAQ(link takes you to an external page) before continuing with this guide, as this process involves fees.

Verification involves submitting information about your political organization to Campaign Verify, as well as verifying your identity as an authorized person associated with the political organization. After completing verification with Campaign Verify, you receive a Campaign Verify (CV) token. You need to provide this token during A2P 10DLC registration with Twilio.

A full CV token is composed of 6 pipe (|) delimited fields, for example:


  • CV tokens expire after a period of time and need to be periodically updated. This can be done via API using the BrandVetting resource .
  • You can only use a CV token with one Brand.
  • If the 527 organization is a customer of multiple text messaging providers that will each create an A2P 10DLC Brand on the organization's behalf, a unique CV token must be generated and provided to each vendor.


A 527 organization that does not register with Campaign Verify and provide a token during A2P 10DLC registration is allowed to register with Standard Use Cases, but receives the lowest tier of A2P 10DLC messaging limits(link takes you to an external page) and does not qualify for the Political Special Use Case.

In addition, the organization may be subject to penalties from carriers if political messaging traffic is incorrectly registered with Standard Use Cases.



If you have already created a US A2P Brand for a 527 political organization and would like to add a CV token after Brand registration, you must use the REST API.

Once you have a CV token, you can proceed with registration. You provide the CV token during the Brand registration step.

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