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Troubleshooting A2P 10DLC Registrations

To register in the US 10DLC ecosystem, customers must register a Brand for their business entity and then register an A2P messaging Campaign, for that Brand, built around a specific use case. This process can fail both at the Brand- and Campaign-approval stages. Brand registrations typically fail if the business-identifying information is incomplete, improperly formatted or doesn't match existing records. Campaigns tend to fail when the description of the proposed Campaign purpose, use-case, workflow, opt-in and opt-out methods is incomplete or inadequate, or if the substance of the proposed Campaign is deemed to violate TCR policies.

Finally, after a Campaign has been successfully registered for A2P, each of the phone numbers present in (or subsequently added to) the Messaging Service associated with that Campaign must themselves be registered by the A2P ecosystem partners. This process is initiated once the Campaign has been approved, but is not instantaneous and in some instances can be delayed or can fail.

The present document contains links to specific documents that explore

  • troubleshooting and rectifying errors for Sole Proprietor Brand submissions
  • troubleshooting and rectifying errors for Standard and Low-Volume Standard Brand submissions, as these can vary somewhat from the previous
  • troubleshooting and rectifying errors with Campaign submissions (for all types of Brands)
  • troubleshooting issues with registering phone numbers for successful Campaigns


The three types of Brands (and associated Campaigns) for which a business entity can register are Standard, Low-Volume Standard and Sole Proprietor. Please see this document for a comparison of the three brand types, as well as the difference between Direct and ISV customers. In general, the registration and error reasons for Sole Proprietor Brands can be somewhat different from those for Standard and Low-Volume Standard Brands.

Troubleshoot and rectify Sole Proprietor Brand registration failures

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Please review this guide for troubleshooting and rectifying registration failures that occur when you are registering A2P Sole Proprietor Brands, including errors that occur when registering the Business (aka Customer) Profiles upon which those Brands are created. Please note again that Sole Proprietor Brands have somewhat different validations and review steps than Standard or Low-Volume Standard Brands, and therefore require somewhat different troubleshooting.

Troubleshoot and rectify Standard and Low Volume Standard Brand registration failures

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Please review this guide for troubleshooting and rectifying registration failures that occur when you are registering A2P Standard Brands or Low Volume Standard Brands, including errors that occur when registering the Business (aka Customer) Profiles upon which those Brands are created.

Troubleshoot and rectify A2P Campaign submission failures

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It is now possible to edit a FAILED Campaign via the Console, and it shortly will be via the API. Failed Campaigns may also be deleted and recreated, but this is a more cumbersome procedure and should only be followed under certain scenarios. These scenarios, and the overall process for troubleshooting and rectifying failed Campaign submissions (for all Brand types) is detailed in this guide.

Troubleshoot Campaign phone number registration issues

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As noted above, after a Campaign has been successfully registered for A2P, each of the phone numbers present in (or subsequently added to) the Messaging Service associated with that Campaign will themselves be registered by the A2P ecosystem partners. This process is initiated once the Campaign has been approved, but is not instantaneous and in some instances can be delayed or can fail. Please see this guide to learn how to obtain the status of all such phone numbers, and what to do if one or more has failed registration.

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