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Call Recording

Studio uses Widgets to represent various parts of Twilio's API that can then be stitched together in your Studio Flow to build out robust applications that require no coding on your part.



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The Call Recording Widget allows you to switch Voice Call Recording ON or OFF at any point during a call flow.

Call Recording.


The Call Recording widget can only be used for Incoming Calls and must be placed after an initial Say/Play or Gather widget. Be sure to announce to the caller that the call is being recorded, if your local laws require it.

Required Configuration for Call Recording

required-configuration-for-call-recording page anchor

The Call Recording Widget requires specification on whether the Recording should be switched on or off.

Record CallA toggle button (Boolean) to allow users to Toggle Call Recording to On or Off within a Call Flow.False

Optional Configuration for Call Recording

optional-configuration-for-call-recording page anchor

The Call Recording Widget also accepts a number of configuration options that you can use to declare recording Status Callback URL, Recording Channels, and trim behavior for the request initiated by this Widget.

Recording Status Callback URLThe URL we should call using the recording_status_callback_method on each recording event specified in recording_status_callback_event.empty
Recording Status Callback MethodThe HTTP method we should use to call recording_status_callback. Can be GET or POSTPOST
Recording Status EventThe recording status events on which we should call the recording_status_callback URL. Can be: in-progress, completed and absent. Separate multiple event values with space.completed
Recording ChannelsThe number of channels used in the recording. Can be: mono or dual. mono records all parties of the call into one channel. dual records each party of a 2-party call into separate channels.dual
TrimWhether to trim any leading and trailing silence in the recording. Can be: trim-silence or do-not-trim. trim-silence trims the silence from the beginning and end of the recording and do-not-trim does

Call Recording Transitions

call-recording-transitions page anchor

These events trigger transitions from this Widget to another Widget in your Flow. For more information on working with Studio transitions, see this guide.

SuccessThe call recording was successfully toggled.
FailedCould not toggle call recording.

Call Recording Variables

call-recording-variables page anchor

When the Call Recording Widget executes, it will have stored the following variables for use throughout your Studio Flow (where MY_WIDGET_NAME is the name of your actual widget). For more information on working with variables in Studio, see this guide.

Find definitions and examples for these variables at the Recording page.

NameLiquid Template Language
Account SID{{widgets.MY_WIDGET_NAME.AccountSid}}
API Version{{widgets.MY_WIDGET_NAME.ApiVersion}}
Call SID{{widgets.MY_WIDGET_NAME.CallSid}}
Conference SID{{widgets.MY_WIDGET_NAME.ConferenceSid}}
Date Created{{widgets.MY_WIDGET_NAME.DateCreated}}
Date Updated{{widgets.MY_WIDGET_NAME.DateUpdated}}
Encryption Details{{widgets.MY_WIDGET_NAME.EncryptionDetails}}
Error Code{{widgets.MY_WIDGET_NAME.ErrorCode}}
Price Unit{{widgets.MY_WIDGET_NAME.PriceUnit}}
Recording SID{{widgets.MY_WIDGET_NAME.Sid}}
Recording Uri{{widgets.MY_WIDGET_NAME.Uri}}
Source of Recording Start{{widgets.MY_WIDGET_NAME.Source}}
Start Time{{widgets.MY_WIDGET_NAME.StartTime}}

Example: Client Feedback

example-client-feedback page anchor

In this Flow, a client will be notified that their call will be recorded. The call recording will then proceed and, if successful, will ask the client what their experience was like. After the client stops talking, the recording will be stopped. The specified Recording Status Callback URL for the Widget will handle all events of the recording.

Twilio Studio Call Recording Widget Example.

Now that you know the basics of the Call Recording Widget, you may want to learn more about Recordings:

  • Learn all properties of Call Recordings in the Recording documentation

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