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Debugging Tools

Twilio offers several tools for investigating the interaction between Twilio and your application. If a message cannot go through, is delayed, or otherwise behaves unexpectedly, these tools should be your first stops for debugging.

How to use the Twilio Error Logs

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Found in your Twilio console, Error Logs(link takes you to an external page) contains a detailed log of activity within your application. This log can help you dive deeper and understand which Twilio resources were affected (and by whom).

A. To get to the Error Logs, open the Console navigation and go to Monitor > Logs > Error Logs:

Error Logs view in the console, under the monitor tab.

B. Once on the Error Logs screen, you can dig into detailed logs. You can see which product was impacted by an error or warning by the value in the 'Product' column.

View of the Error Logs page within Twilio Console, demonstrating the list of affected products.

C. You can also view a histogram of events for a given date/time range by clicking Historical trend element above the list of events, for example:

Error logs histogram.

D. By clicking on an event in the in Error Logs, you can see properties of the message that encountered an error. These include timestamps, your resource SID, any warnings or errors thrown by Twilio, and the full context of the message request and response.

The details shown when expanding an individual error event.
The details of the request as shown in an error event.

Configure custom alerts

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Alarms allow you to create customized alerts based on spikes in certain types of errors and proactively monitor your application. This feature replaces the previous concept of Alert Triggers.

Explore your Message Logs

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If you encounter issues with message delivery, such as duplicate message delivery, the best way to begin debugging is by viewing your Message logs(link takes you to an external page).

A. Log into your Twilio account(link takes you to an external page) and click Monitor in the navigation menu.


B. Then, click Logs to expand the Log menu. Click Messaging afterward:


C. Once you're in your Messaging logs, find the message where the problem occurred. Click the hyperlinked date to dig down into the details for this message. You'll see messages that hit something other than a 200 are highlighted in yellow or red.


As you can see above, each log line includes the number of message segments, the message status, TO and FROM numbers, as well as if any media was attached.

D. To dig deeper into a log for a given message, click on the hyperlinked date. This will take you to the Message Details:


In the detailed view of the message log, you can find the Message SID (Twilio's unique identifier for this message), as well as the time the resource was created, TO and FROM numbers, Delivery Steps, and the Request Inspector.

The Delivery Steps section of this log will show you when the request was created, how long it was queued on Twilio's platform, and when it was sent out to our carrier partner for delivery. These factors can help you determine where an undelivered message failed, or investigate latency issues.

SMS logs: Delivery Steps.

The request inspector shows all requests and responses made when sending or receiving this message. You can easily see errors on requests by the color-coded status on the right of a request.


In the above response, we can see that we received a 404 response because Twilio was unable to find the tunnel for the webhook we set up for messages.

All Twilio-generated error codes are documented in this Errors catalog. Find your error code via your SMS logs and dig into causes and possible solutions.

Common Programmable Messaging error codes are listed in the table below. These error codes show up in the ErrorCode properties of Twilio's status callback requests and in the Message resource's ErrorCode property.

Error CodeError MessageDescription
30001Queue overflowYou tried to send too many messages too quickly, and your message queue overflowed. Try sending your message again after waiting for some time.
30002Account suspendedYour account was suspended between the time of message send and delivery. Please contact Twilio.
30003Unreachable destination handsetThe destination handset you are trying to reach is switched off or otherwise unavailable.
30004Message blockedThe destination number you are trying to reach is blocked from receiving this message (e.g., due to blacklisting).
30005Unknown destination handsetThe destination number you are trying to reach is unknown and may no longer exist.
30006Landline or unreachable carrierThe destination number is unable to receive this message. Potential reasons could include trying to reach a landline or, in the case of short codes, an unreachable carrier.
30007Carrier violationYour message was flagged as objectionable by the carrier. To protect their subscribers, many carriers have implemented content or spam filtering. Learn more about carrier filtering(link takes you to an external page)
30008Unknown errorThe error does not fit into any of the above categories.
30009Missing segmentOne or more segments associated with your multi-part inbound message was not received.
30010Message price exceeds max price.The price of your message exceeds the max price parameter.

The following ErrorCodes apply only when you are sending a message via WhatsApp or another non-SMS messaging channel.

Error CodeError MessageDescription
63001Channel could not authenticate the requestChannel authentication credentials are incorrect. Please check the credentials in Channel page in Console or re-authenticate with the Channel.
63002Channel could not find From addressThe From address does not map to any configured Channels. Check that you are using the correct Channel endpoint address from the Channel page.
63003Channel could not find To addressThe To address is incorrect.
63005Channel did not accept given content
63006Could not format given content for the channel
63007Twilio could not find a Channel with the specified From addressThe From address does not map to any configured Channels. Check that you are using the correct Channel endpoint address from the Channel page.
63008Could not execute the request because the channel module is misconfiguredPlease check the Channel configuration in Twilio.
63009Channel returned an error when executing the requestPlease see Channel specific error message for more information.
63010Channels - Twilio Internal error
63012Channel returned an internal error that prevented it from completing the request
63013This message send failed because it violates Channel provider's policy.Please see Channel specific error message for more information.
63014This message failed to be delivered to the user because it was blocked by a user action.Please see Channel specific error message for more information.

Each message that Twilio sends is matched to a record in these logs and identified by a 34-character string starting with 'SM' for SMS or 'MM' for MMS. This is your Message SID. If you are unable to figure out what went wrong with your message, you can contact our stellar support team by filling out this form(link takes you to an external page), including any message SIDs affected.

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