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API Overview

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Welcome to SendGrid's Web API v3! This API is RESTful, fully featured, easy to integrate with, and offers support in 7 different languages.

All responses are returned in JSON format. We specify this by sending the Content-Type header.


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"foo": "bar"

Below is a table containing descriptions of the various status codes we currently support against various resources.

Status CodeDescription
200No error
201Successfully created
204Successfully deleted
400Bad request
401Requires authentication
403From address doesn't match Verified Sender Identity. To learn how to resolve this error, see our Sender Identity requirements.
403You are temporarily blocked from sending emails due to repeated bad requests.
406Missing Accept header. For example: Accept: application/json
429Too many requests/Rate limit exceeded
500Internal server error

When a request is made with a pagination query, the following data is included in the header to allow for easy traversal of previous, current, first, and last page of the data set.


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Link: <>; rel="next"; title="2",
<>; rel="prev"; title="1",
<>; rel="last"; title="3",
<>; rel="first"; title="1"

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