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Get a List of all IP Addresses on your Account

API Overview

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The IP Address Management API combines functionality that was previously split between the Twilio SendGrid IP Address API and IP Pools API. This functionality includes adding IP addresses to your account, assigning IP addresses to IP Pools and Subusers, among other tasks. More details about each operation can be found in the descriptions and schemas for each endpoint.



The IP Address Management API is in public beta at this time. This means the API and documentation are still in development and subject to change without advanced notice.


Base url:

This operation returns a list of all IP addresses associated with your account. A sample of IP details is returned with each IP, including which Pools the IP is associated with, whether the IP is set to warm up automatically, and when the IP was last updated.


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The is_parent_assigned parameter and pool parameter cannot be used at the same time. By definition, an IP cannot be assigned to a Pool if it is not first enabled. You can use either the before_key or after_key in combination with the limit parameter to iterate through paginated results but not both.

Property nameTypeRequiredDescription
Default: Bearer <<YOUR_API_KEY_HERE>>
Property nameTypeRequiredDescription

Specifies an IP address. The ip query parameter can be used to filter results by IP address.


Specifies the number of results to be returned by the API. This parameter can be used in combination with the before_key or after_key parameters to iterate through paginated results.


Specifies which items to be returned by the API. When the after_key is specified, the API will return items beginning from the first item after the item specified. This parameter can be used in combination with limit to iterate through paginated results.


Specifies which items to be returned by the API. When the before_key is specified, the API will return items beginning from the first item before the item specified. This parameter can be used in combination with limit to iterate through paginated results.


Indicates whether an IP address is leased from Twilio SendGrid. If false, the IP address is not a Twilio SendGrid IP; it is a customer's own IP that has been added to their Twilio SendGrid account.


Indicates if the IP address is billed and able to send email. This parameter applies to non-Twilio SendGrid APIs that been added to your Twilio SendGrid account. This parameter's value is null for Twilio SendGrid IP addresses.


A parent must be assigned to an IP address before the parent can send mail from the IP and before the address can be assigned to an IP pool. Set this parameter value to true to allow the parent to send mail from the IP and make the IP eligible for IP pool assignment using the IP pool endpoints.


Specifies the unique ID for an IP Pool. When included, only IP addresses belonging to the specified Pool will be returned.


The start_added_at and end_added_at parameters are used to set a time window. IP addresses that were added to your account in the specified time window will be returned. The start_added_at parameter sets the beginning of the time window.


The start_added_at and end_added_at parameters are used to set a time window. IP addresses that were added to your account in the specified time window will be returned. The end_added_at parameter sets the end of the time window.


Allowed values are all, eu, and us. If you provide a specific region, results will include all pools that have at least one IP in the filtered region. If all, pools with at least one IP (regardless of region) will be returned. If the region filter is not provided, the query returns all pools, including empty ones. (Regional email is in Public Beta and requires SendGrid Pro plan or above.)

Possible values:


Boolean indicating whether or not to return the IP Pool's region information in the response. (Regional email is in Public Beta and requires SendGrid Pro plan or above.)

Default: false


Property nameTypeRequiredDescriptionChild properties


Get a List of all IP Addresses on your Account

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const client = require('@sendgrid/client');
const request = {
url: `/v3/send_ips/ips`,
method: 'GET',
.then(([response, body]) => {
.catch(error => {

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