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Get List of Segments

API Overview

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Segmentation V2 APIs are now available! See the Getting Started guide to find out what new features are available.

Segments are similar to contact lists, except they update dynamically over time as information stored about your contacts or the criteria used to define your segments changes. When you segment your audience, you are able to create personalized Automation emails and Single Sends that directly address the wants and needs of your particular audience.

The Marketing Campaigns Segments API allows you to create, edit, and delete segments as well as retrieve a list of segments or an individual segment by ID.



Note that Twilio SendGrid checks for newly added or modified contacts who meet a segment's criteria on an hourly schedule. Only existing contacts who meet a segment's criteria will be included in the segment searches within 15 minutes.
Segments built using engagement data such as "was sent" or "clicked" will take approximately 30 minutes to begin populating.
Segment samples and counts are refreshed approximately once per hour; they do not update immediately. If no contacts are added to or removed from a segment since the last refresh, the sample and UI count displayed will be refreshed at increasing time intervals with a maximum sample and count refresh delay of 24 hours.

For more information on creating segments with the Twilio SendGrid Marketing Campaigns UI see "Segmenting your Contacts."

For help with Segmentation Query Language, see our Segmentation Query Language reference



The Segmentation v1 API was deprecated on December 31, 2022. Following deprecation, all segments created in the Marketing Campaigns user interface began using the Segmentation v2 API.

To enable manual migration and data retrieval, the GET and DELETE v1 API endpoints will remain available. The POST (create) and PATCH (update) v1 endpoints were removed on January 31, 2023 because it is no longer possible to create new v1 segments or modify existing ones. See our Segmentation v1 to v2 upgrade instructions to manually migrate your segments to the v2 API.


Base url:

This endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of segments.

The query param parent_list_ids is treated as a filter. Any match will be returned. Zero matches will return a response code of 200 with an empty results array.

emptyfalseemptyall segments values
list_idsfalseemptysegments filtered by list_ids values
list_idstrueemptysegments filtered by list_ids and segments with no parent list_ids empty
emptytrueemptysegments with no parent list_ids
anythinganythingidssegments with matching segment ids


authentication page anchor
Property nameTypeRequiredDescription
Default: Bearer <<YOUR_API_KEY_HERE>>
Property nameTypeRequiredDescription

A list of segment IDs to retrieve. When this parameter is included, the no_parent_list_ids and parent_list_ids parameters are ignored and only segments with given IDs are returned.


A comma separated list of list ids to be used when searching for segments with the specified parent_list_id, no more than 50 is allowed


If set to true segments with an empty value of parent_list_id will be returned in the filter. If the value is not present it defaults to 'false'.

Default: false
Property nameTypeRequiredDescriptionChild properties

Get List of Segments

get-list-of-segments page anchor

const client = require('@sendgrid/client');
const request = {
url: `/v3/marketing/segments`,
method: 'GET',
.then(([response, body]) => {
.catch(error => {

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