Twilio SendGrid Dynamic Transactional Templates and Marketing Campaigns designs support the Handlebars templating language to render the Personalizations you send via the API and the Substitution Tags stored on your Marketing Campaigns contacts.
Handlebars syntax allows you to personalize the messages in your templates by inserting customers' names and other data to make an email relevant to each individual recipient. For example, if you have a customer's name stored in a JSON property called "name"
, you can insert the property's value into a template by adding {{ name }}
wherever you want the customer's name to appear.
Handlebars syntax allows all of this dynamic templating to occur outside of your code base, meaning changes are done quickly in the template with no update to a code base required.
If you prefer to use your own templating system, you can still insert dynamic data using Substitution Tags.
You can manage your templates programmatically with our Mail Send with Dynamic Transactional Templates API.
The Handlebars language provides many features in addition to basic variable replacement, including iterations (loops) and conditional statements. Our templates and designs support most but not all of this Handlebars functionality. Currently, dynamic templates support the following helpers:
For a full helper reference, see the Handlebars reference on this page.
The following use case examples come from the dynamic-template section of our email templates GitHub repo. Each example links to files you can explore on GitHub. You can also work with these templates by uploading them using the Code Editor available in Dynamic Transactional Templates and the Marketing Campaigns Design Library.
The following use cases are listed with the Handlebars helpers used to build them.
This example receipt template uses the following helpers:
This example transactional template uses the following helpers:
This is an example template that lets you have content in multiple languages, and it uses the following helpers:
This is an example template that is advertising items on sale, and it uses the following helpers:
The following reference provides sample code blocks for each helper, including HTML email snippets and JSON test data. The code examples are shown in three tabs. The first tab, Handlebars, shows the Handlebars tag. The second tab, JSON, shows example data that would be used to populate the Handlebars tag. The third tab, HTML, shows the final output that the Handlebars tag will be rendered to in your email. You can click each tab to switch between the code samples.
Twilio SendGrid templates support the following substitutions:
1<!-- Template -->2<p>Hello {{ firstName }}</p>
1// Test data2{ "firstName": "Ben" }
1<!-- Resulting HTML !-->2<p>Hello Ben</p>
1<!-- Template -->2<p><a href="{{ url }}">Click Me</a></p>
1// Test data2{ "url": "" }
1<!-- Resulting HTML !-->2<p><a href="">Click Me</a></p>
1<!-- Template -->2<p>Hello {{user.profile.firstName}}</p>
1// Test data2{3"user": {4"profile": {5"firstName": "Ben"6}7}8}
1<!-- Resulting HTML -->2<p>Hello Ben</p>
1<!-- Template -->2<p>Hello {{user.profile.firstName}}</p>
1// Test data2{3"user": {4"orderHistory": [5{6"date": "2/1/2018",7"item": "shoes"8},9{10"date": "1/4/2017",11"item": "hat"12}13]14}15}
1<!-- Resulting HTML -->2<p>Hello</p>
If you include the characters '
, "
or &
in a subject line replacement be sure to use three brackets like below.
1<!-- Template -->2<!-- Per Handlebars' documentation: If you don't want Handlebars to escape a value, use the "triple-stash", {{{ -->3<p>Hello {{{firstName}}}</p>
1// Test data2{ "firstName": "<strong>Ben</strong>" }
1<!-- Resulting HTML -->2<p>Hello <strong>Ben</strong></p>
The formatDate helper takes a time in either epoch or ISO8601 format and converts it to a format you specify using the tokens in the following table. If you send a date field without converting it, it will be displayed in ISO8601 format with the full timestamp (e.g., 2020-01-01T23:00:00.000Z
). The following example display results are for Tuesday, January 1st, 2020 3:00:00PM Pacific Standard Time.
Token | Displayed Result |
YYYY | 2020 |
YY | 20 |
MMMM | January |
MMM | Jan |
MM | 01 |
M | 1 |
DD | 01 |
D | 1 |
dddd | Tuesday |
ddd | Tue |
hh | 03 |
h | 3 |
HH | 00 |
H | 00 |
mm | 00 |
m | 0 |
ss | 00 |
s | 0 |
A | PM |
ZZ | -0800 |
Z | -08:00 |
1<!-- Template without timezone offset -->2<p>Join us {{formatDate timeStamp dateFormat}}</p>34<!-- Template with timezone offset -->5<p>Join us {{formatDate timeStamp dateFormat timezoneOffset}}</p>
1// Test data2{3"timeStamp": "2020-01-01T23:00:00.000Z",4"dateFormat": "MMMM DD, YYYY h:mm:ss A",5"timezoneOffset": "-0800"6}
1<!-- Resulting HTML without timezone-->2<p>Join us January 01, 2020 11:00:00 PM</p>34<!-- Resulting HTML with timezone-->5<p>Join us January 01, 2020 3:00:00 PM</p>
1<!-- Insert with a default value -->2<p>Hello {{insert name "default=Customer"}}! Thank you for contacting us about {{insert businessName "your business"}}.</p>
1// Test data with all values2{3"name": "Ben",4"businessName": "Twilio SendGrid"5}67// Test data with missing value8{9"name": "Ben"10}
1<!-- Resulting HTML with all values -->2<p>Hello Ben! Thank you for contacting us about Twilio SendGrid.</p>34<!-- Resulting HTML with missing value and a default-->5<p>Hello Ben! Thank you for contacting us about your business.</p>
Twilio SendGrid templates support the following conditionals:
1<!-- Template -->2\{{#if user.profile.male}}3<p>Dear Sir</p>4{{else if user.profile.female}}5<p>Dear Madame</p>6{{else}}7<p>Dear Customer</p>8{{/if}}
1// Test data one2{3"user":{4"profile":{5"male":true6}7}8}910// Test data two11{12"user":{13"profile":{14"female":true15}16}17}1819// Test data three20{21"user":{22"profile":{2324}25}26}
1<!-- Resulting HTML from test data one -->2<p>Dear Sir</p>34<!-- Resulting HTML from test data two -->5<p>Dear Madame</p>67<!-- Resulting HTML from test data three -->8<p>Dear Customer</p>
1<!-- Template -->2\{{#if user.suspended}}3<p>Warning! Your account is suspended, please call: {{@root.supportPhone}}</p>4{{/if}}
1// Test data2{3"user": {4"suspended": true5},6"supportPhone": "1-800-555-5555"7}
1<!-- Resulting HTML -->2<p>Warning! Your account is suspended, please call: 1-800-555-5555</p>
1<!-- Template -->2\{{#unless}}3<p>Warning! Your account is suspended, please call: {{@root.supportPhone}}</p>4{{/unless}}
1// Test data2{3"user": {4"active": false5},6"supportPhone": "1-800-555-5555"7}
1<!-- Resulting HTML -->2<p>Warning! Your account is suspended, please call: 1800-555-5555</p>
1<!-- Template -->2<p>3Hello Ben!4{{#greaterThan scoreOne scoreTwo}}5Congratulations, you have the high score today!6{{/greaterThan}}7Thanks for playing.8</p>
1// Test data one2{3"scoreOne": 100,4"scoreTwo": 785}67// Test data two8{9"scoreOne": 55,10"scoreTwo": 7811}
1<!-- Resulting HTML from test data one-->2<p>3Hello Ben! Congratulations, you have the high score today! Thanks for playing.4</p>56<!-- Resulting HTML from test data two-->7<p>Hello Ben! Thanks for playing.</p>
1<!-- Template -->2<p>3Hello Ben!4{{#greaterThan scoreOne scoreTwo}}5Congratulations, you have the high score today!6{{else}}7You were close, but you didn't get the high score today.8{{/greaterThan}}9Thanks for playing.10</p>
1// Test data one2{3"scoreOne": 100,4"scoreTwo": 785}67// Test data two8{9"scoreOne": 55,10"scoreTwo": 7811}
1<!-- Resulting HTML from test data one-->2<p>3Hello Ben! Congratulations, you have the high score today! Thanks for playing.4</p>56<!-- Resulting HTML from test data two-->7<p>8Hello Ben! You were close, but you didn't get the high score today. Thanks for9playing.10</p>
1<!-- Template -->2<p>3Hello Ben!4{{#lessThan scoreOne scoreTwo}}5You were close, but you didn't get the high score today.6{{/lessThan}}7Thanks for playing.8</p>
1// Test data one2{3"scoreOne": 55,4"scoreTwo": 785}67// Test data two8{9"scoreOne": 100,10"scoreTwo": 7811}
1<!-- Resulting HTML from test data one-->2<p>3Hello Ben! You were close, but you didn't get the high score today. Thanks for4playing.5</p>67<!-- Resulting HTML from test data two-->8<p>Hello Ben! Thanks for playing.</p>
1<!-- Template -->2<p>3Hello Ben!4{{#lessThan scoreOne scoreTwo}}5You were close, but you didn't get the high score today.6{{else}}7Congratulations, you have the high score today!8{{/lessThan}}9Thanks for playing.10</p>
1// Test data one2{3"scoreOne": 55,4"scoreTwo": 785}67// Test data two8{9"scoreOne": 100,10"scoreTwo": 7811}
1<!-- Resulting HTML from test data one-->2<p>3Hello Ben! You were close, but you didn't get the high score today. Thanks for4playing.5</p>67<!-- Resulting HTML from test data two-->8<p>9Hello Ben! Congratulations, you have the high score today! Thanks for playing.10</p>
The equals
comparison can check for equality between two values of the same data type. The equals
helper will also attempt to coerce data types to make a comparison of values independent of their data type. For example, {{#equals 3 "3"}}
will evaluate to true
Please be aware that the editor's Preview page will not properly render the results of a comparison between coerced values. You will see proper comparisons between coerced values only in a delivered message.
When checking for truthiness, be aware that empty strings, zero integers, and zero floating point numbers evaluate to false
. Non-empty strings, non-zero integers, and non-zero floating point numbers, including negative numbers, evaluate to true
1<!-- Template -->2<p>3Hello Ben!4{{#equals customerCode winningCode}}5You have a winning code.6{{/equals}}7Thanks for playing.8</p>
1// Test data one2{3"customerCode": 289199,4"winningCode": 2891995}67// Test data two8{9"customerCode": 167320,10"winningCode": 28919911}
1<!-- Resulting HTML from test data one-->2<p>Hello Ben! You have a winning code. Thanks for playing.</p>34<!-- Resulting HTML from test data two-->5<p>Hello Ben! Thanks for playing.</p>
1<!-- Template -->2<p>3Hello Ben!4{{#equals customerCode winningCode}}5You have a winning code.6{{else}}7You do not have a winning code.8{{/equals}}9Thanks for playing.10</p>
1// Test data one2{3"customerCode": 289199,4"winningCode": 2891995}67// Test data two8{9"customerCode": 167320,10"winningCode": 28919911}
1<!-- Resulting HTML from test data one-->2<p>Hello Ben! You have a winning code. Thanks for playing.</p>34<!-- Resulting HTML from test data two-->5<p>Hello Ben! You do not have a winning code. Thanks for playing.</p>
The notEquals
comparison can check for inequality between two values of the same data type. The notEquals
helper will also attempt to coerce data types to make a comparison of values independent of their data type. For example, {{#notequals 3 "3"}}
will return true
When checking for truthiness, be aware that empty strings, zero integers, and zero floating point numbers evaluate to false
. Non-empty strings, non-zero integers, and non-zero floating point numbers, including negative numbers, evaluate to true
1<!-- Template -->2<p>3Hello Ben!4{{#notEquals currentDate appointmentDate}}5Your appointment is not today.6{{/notEquals}}7We look forward to your visit.8</p>
1// Test data one2{3"currentDate": 20230715,4"appointmentDate": 202307155}67// Test data two8{9"currentDate": 20230710,10"appointmentDate": 2023071511}
1<!-- Resulting HTML from test data one-->2<p>Hello Ben! We look forward to your visit.</p>34<!-- Resulting HTML from test data two-->5<p>Hello Ben! Your appointment is not today. We look forward to your visit.</p>
1<!-- Template -->2<p>3Hello Ben!4{{#notEquals currentDate appointmentDate}}5Your appointment is not today.6{{else}}7Your appointment is today.8{{/notEquals}}9We look forward to your visit.10</p>
1// Test data one2{3"currentDate": 20230715,4"appointmentDate": 202307155}67// Test data two8{9"currentDate": 20230710,10"appointmentDate": 2023071511}
1<!-- Resulting HTML from test data one-->2<p>Hello Ben! Your appointment is today. We look forward to your visit.</p>34<!-- Resulting HTML from test data two-->5<p>Hello Ben! Your appointment is not today. We look forward to your visit.</p>
When checking for truthiness, be aware that empty strings, zero integers, and zero floating point numbers evaluate to false
. Non-empty strings, non-zero integers, and non-zero floating point numbers, including negative numbers, evaluate to true
1<!-- Template -->2<p>3Hello Ben!4{{#and favoriteFood favoriteDrink}}5Thank you for letting us know your dining preferences.6{{/and}}.7We look forward to sending you more delicious recipes.</p>
1// Test data one2{3"favoriteFood": "Pasta",4"favoriteDrink": ""5}67// Test data two8{9"favoriteFood": "Pasta",10"favoriteDrink": "Coffee"11}
1<!-- Resulting HTML from test data one -->2<p>Hi Ben! We look forward to sending you more delicious recipes.</p>34<!-- Resulting HTML from test data two -->5<p>6Hi Ben! Thank you for letting us know your dining preferences. We look forward7to sending you more delicious recipes.8</p>
1<!-- Template -->2<p>3Hello Ben!4{{#and favoriteFood favoriteDrink}}5Thank you for letting us know your dining preferences.6{{else}}7If you finish filling out your dining preferences survey, we can deliver you recipes we think you'll be most interested in.8{{/and}}.9We look forward to sending you more delicious recipes.</p>
1// Test data one2{3"favoriteFood": "Pasta",4"favoriteDrink": ""5}67// Test data two8{9"favoriteFood": "Pasta",10"favoriteDrink": "Coffee"11}
1<!-- Resulting HTML from test data one -->2<p>3Hi Ben! If you finish filling out your dining preferences survey, we can4deliver you recipes we think you'll be most interested in. We look forward to5sending you more delicious recipes.6</p>78<!-- Resulting HTML from test data two -->9<p>10Hi Ben! Thank you for letting us know your dining preferences. We look forward11to sending you more delicious recipes.12</p>
When checking for truthiness, be aware that empty strings, zero integers, and zero floating point numbers evaluate to false
. Non-empty strings, non-zero integers, and non-zero floating point numbers, including negative numbers, evaluate to true
1<!-- Template -->2<p>3Hello Ben!4{{#or isRunner isCyclist}}5We think you might enjoy a map of trails in your area.6{{/or}}.7Have a great day.8</p>
1// Test data one2{3"isRunner": true,4"isCyclist": false5}67// Test data two8{9"isRunner": false,10"isCyclist": false11}12// Test data three13{14"isRunner": false,15"isCyclist": true16}
1<!-- Resulting HTML from test data one -->2<p>3Hi Ben! We think you might enjoy a map of trails in your area. You can find4the map attached to this email. Have a great day.5</p>67<!-- Resulting HTML from test data two -->8<p>Hi Ben! Have a great day.</p>910<!-- Resulting HTML from test data three -->11<p>12Hi Ben! We think you might enjoy a map of trails in your area. You can find13the map attached to this email. Have a great day.14</p>
1<!-- Template -->2<p>3Hello Ben!4{{#or isRunner isCyclist}}5We think you might enjoy a map of trails in your area. You can find the map attached to this email.6{{else}}7We'd love to know more about the outdoor activities you enjoy. The survey linked below will take only a minute to fill out.8{{/or}}.9Have a great day.10</p>
1// Test data one2{3"isRunner": true,4"isCyclist": false5}67// Test data two8{9"isRunner": false,10"isCyclist": false11}12// Test data three13{14"isRunner": false,15"isCyclist": true16}
1<!-- Resulting HTML from test data one -->2<p>3Hi Ben! We think you might enjoy a map of trails in your area. You can find4the map attached to this email. Have a great day.5</p>67<!-- Resulting HTML from test data two -->8<p>9Hi Ben! We'd love to know more about the outdoor activities you enjoy. The10survey linked below will take only a minute to fill out. Have a great day.11</p>1213<!-- Resulting HTML from test data three -->14<p>15Hi Ben! We think you might enjoy a map of trails in your area. You can find16the map attached to this email. Have a great day.17</p>
The length helper will return the number of characters in a given string or array. For non-string and non-array values, length will return 0. Length can be useful in combination with other helpers as shown with greaterThan in the following example.
1<!-- Templates -->2<p>3Hello Ben!4{{#greaterThan (length cartItems) 0}}5It looks like you still have some items in your shopping cart. Sign back in to continue checking out at any time.6{{else}}7Thanks for browsing our site. We hope you'll come back soon.8{{/greaterThan}}9</p>
1// Test data one2{3"cartItems": ["raft", "water bottle", "sleeping bag"]4}56// Test data two7{8"cartItems": []9}
1<!-- Resulting HTML with test data one-->2<p>3Hello Ben! It looks like you still have some items in your shopping cart. Sign4back in to continue checking out at any time.5</p>67<!-- Resulting HTML with test data two-->8<p>Hello Ben! Thanks for browsing our site. We hope you'll come back soon.</p>
You can loop or iterate over data using the {{#each }}
helper function to build lists and perform other useful templating actions.
1<!-- Template -->2<ol>3{{#each user.orderHistory}}4<li>You ordered: {{this.item}} on: {{}}</li>5{{/each}}6</ol>
1// Test data2{3"user": {4"orderHistory": [5{6"date": "2/1/2018",7"item": "shoes"8},9{10"date": "1/4/2017",11"item": "hat"12}13]14}15}
1<!-- Resulting HTML -->2<ol>3<li>You ordered: shoes on: 2/1/2018</li>4<li>You ordered: hat on: 1/42017</li>5</ol>
The following examples show you how to combine multiple Handlebars functions to create a truly dynamic template.
1<!-- Template -->2\{{#each user.story}}3{{#if this.male}}4<p>{{}}</p>5{{else if this.female}}6<p>{{this.item}}</p>7{{/if}}8{{/each}}
1// Test data2{3"user": {4"story": [5{6"male": true,7"date": "2/1/2018",8"item": "shoes"9},10{11"male": true,12"date": "1/4/2017",13"item": "hat"14},15{16"female": true,17"date": "1/1/2016",18"item": "shirt"19}20]21}22}
1<!-- Resulting HTML -->2<p>2/1/2018</p>3<p>1/4/2017</p>4<p>shirt</p>
1<!-- Template -->2\{{#each user.story}}3{{#if this.male}}4{{#if}}5<p>{{}}</p>6{{/if}}7{{#if this.item}}8<p>{{this.item}}</p>9{{/if}}10{{else if this.female}}11{{#if}}12<p>{{}}</p>13{{/if}}14{{#if this.item}}15<p>{{this.item}}</p>16{{/if}}17{{/if}}18{{/each}}
1// Test data2{3"user": {4"story": [5{6"male": true,7"date": "2/1/2018",8"item": "shoes"9},10{11"male": true,12"date": "1/4/2017"13},14{15"female": true,16"item": "shirt"17}18]19}20}
1<!-- Resulting HTML -->2<p>2/1/2018</p>3<p>shoes</p>4<p>1/4/2017</p>5<p>shirt</p>
1<!-- Template -->2\{{#if people}}3<p>People:</p>4{{#each people}}5<p>{{}}</p>6{{/each}}7{{/if}}
1// Test data2{3"people": [{ "name": "Bob" }, { "name": "Sally" }]4}
1<!-- Resulting HTML -->2<p>People:</p>3<p>Bob</p>4<p>Sally</p>