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Microvisor Polite Deployment


Microvisor Public Beta

Microvisor is in a pre-release phase and the information contained in this document is subject to change. Some features referenced below may not be fully available until Microvisor's General Availability (GA) release.

Polite deployment is the facility by which a running application is informed by Microvisor that there are application and/or Microvisor updates ready to be applied so that the application can choose to defer the installation of these updates if it is currently performing critical tasks which should not be interrupted.

By default, Microvisor applies updates as soon as they have been downloaded and verified. This involves restarting the application, and this may be undesirable in certain circumstances. Polite deployment puts the timing of update installations into the hands of the application.

Polite deployment is an opt-in feature. Developers enable it by setting specific values in their application bundles before they are uploaded for installation on Microvisor-enabled devices. Developers must also implement within the application a suitable mechanism to monitor notifications from Microvisor (so that the application is alerted when updates are pending) and code that triggers the update procedure immediately or at a time convenient to the application.

Polite Deployment Sequencing

polite-deployment-sequencing page anchor

It is important to understand that whether a specific application bundle is politely deployed or not depends not on its own settings but on those of the currently running application bundle.

For example, if application 42 does not have polite deployment set, but its successor, application 43, does, then application 43 will not be installed politely. However, application 44 will be. So will application 45 — provided application 44 was uploaded with the polite deployment flag set in its manifest, as outlined in Step 2 below.

If there is no running application on the device, the first application bundle to be deployed to it will be installed immediately, even if its manifest has its polite deployment flag set. Any subsequent update will be deployed politely.

How to implement Polite Deployment

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1. Update Your Application Code

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Polite deployment makes use of Microvisor's notifications mechanism. If you are unfamiliar with this system, please take a moment to review our notifications documentation.

When Microvisor has an application or Microvisor update it would like to install, and polite deployment has been enabled in that application's bundle (see below), it will issue a notification of type MV_EVENTTYPE_UPDATEDOWNLOADED. You should check for this event in your notification interrupt service routine.

This notification is only posted when application and/or Microvisor updates have been marked for polite deployment via the bundle. To receive this notification, your application needs to tell Microvisor to which notification center it should post polite deployment notifications. You do so by calling mvOpenSystemNotification(const struct MvOpenSystemNotificationParams* params, MvSystemEventHandle* handle) and passing in a pointer to a configuration structure and the address of a variable into which Microvisor will write a system event sender handle value, as demonstrated in the example code below.

On receipt of the above notification you will set a flag in the notification interrupt service routine (ISR), or enqueue an RTOS message, and exit. Your main code loop will read the flag and, if set, use its own business logic to determine when to permit the pending update to be installed and the application restarted.



If you fail to monitor polite deployment notifications from the system, and polite deployment is enabled, updates will not be applied — even if the next update disables polite deployment. You can force update installation by power-cycling the device or restarting it remotely using the Microvisor API.

To trigger the restart, call mvRestart(enum RestartMode mode). Its argument is currently a single value: MV_RESTARTMODE_AUTOAPPLYUPDATE.

It returns a value of type MvStatus. In the unlikely event that Microvisor is unable to restart the application, it will return a value indicating that this is the case and indicate why the system call failed. Otherwise, Microvisor will halt the running application (so the system call cannot return) and proceed to apply the update.



It is up to the application to call mvRestart(). In normal circumstances, Microvisor updates will not be applied until this function is called. However, we do not recommend delaying the update indefinitely as this could compromise device security. In addition, KORE reserves the right to force essential Microvisor upgrades — for example, those containing critical security updates — if the device takes too long to restart and update manually.

#define SYS_NT_BUFFER_SIZE_R 8 // Value in # of records, not bytes
* Set up the system notification system -- typically in main()
// Store the notification center handle
MvNotificationHandle sys_notification_center_handle;
MvSystemEventHandle sys_event_handle;
volatile uint32_t current_notification_index = 0;
volatile bool update_pending = false;
// Central store for system notifications
volatile struct MvNotification sys_notification_center[SYS_NT_BUFFER_SIZE_R] __attribute__((aligned(8)));
// Clear the notification store
memset((void *)sys_notification_center, 0xFF, sizeof(sys_notification_center));
// Configure a notification center for system-centric notifications
static struct MvNotificationSetup sys_notification_config = {
.irq = TIM1_BRK_IRQn,
.buffer = (struct MvNotification *)sys_notification_center,
.buffer_size = sizeof(sys_notification_center)
// Ask Microvisor to establish the notification center
// and confirm that it has accepted the request
enum MvStatus status = mvSetupNotifications(&sys_notification_config, &sys_notification_center_handle);
assert(status == MV_STATUS_OKAY);
assert(sys_notification_center_handle != 0);
// Tell Microvisor to use the new notification center for system notifications
const struct MvOpenSystemNotificationParams sys_notification_params = {
.notification_handle = sys_notification_center_handle,
.notification_tag = 0,
status = mvOpenSystemNotification(&sys_notification_params, &sys_event_handle);
assert(status == MV_STATUS_OKAY);
assert(sys_event_handle != 0);
// Start the notification IRQ
while(1) {
if (update_pending) {
// Update pending -- can we go ahead?
// NOTE `critical_task_running()` is a dummy function not provided here
if (!critical_task_running()) {
enum MvStatus status = mvRestart(MV_RESTART_AUTOAPPLYUPDATE);
// If the above call succeeds, the app with restart.
// If not, report the failure code
char err_msg_buffer[40] = {0};
sprintf(buffer, "Application restart failed (code %lu)", status);
mvServerLog((const uint8_t*)buffer, (uint16_t)strlen(buffer));
* Set up the notification ISR
void TIM1_BRK_IRQHandler(void) {
// Check for a suitable event
bool got_notification = false;
volatile struct MvNotification notification = sys_notification_center[current_notification_index];
if (notification.event_type == MV_EVENTTYPE_UPDATEDOWNLOADED) {
// Flag there is an update pending
update_pending = true;
got_notification = true;
if (got_notification) {
// Point to the next record to be written
current_notification_index = (current_notification_index + 1) % SYS_NT_BUFFER_SIZE_R;
// Clear the current notifications event
// See
notification.event_type = 0;

2. Set Your Application Bundle

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The following tasks require updated Microvisor tooling that is currently in alpha release and only being made available to customers using polite deployment.

Compiled applications are uploaded as application bundles; bundles are generated from application binaries by the Microvisor tooling. To enable polite deployment, your bundles' manifests must be set accordingly: add the flag --polite-deployment to the bundle generation command:

microvisor app bundle /path/to/app-binary.bin /path/to/ --polite-deployment

This will generate a bundle .zip file which you can upload to the Microvisor Cloud and then deploy to devices in the usual way. For example:

microvisor app upload /path/to/

The tooling will output the newly uploaded bundle's SID. Use it to deploy the bundle to your device:

microvisor device assign {device SID} --app-sid {app bundle SID}



For more information on application bundles, please see Applications and Bundles.

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