Integrating the WhatsApp Business API with Twilio Flex

February 07, 2022
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WhatsApp Business API Flex Integration

If you’re using Twilio Flex, you can integrate your contact center with WhatsApp for Business to reach your customers. To test WhatsApp with Flex, please first follow this guide on creating a WhatsApp Sandbox.


Start with Flex

If you’ve already set up your Flex instance, you can skip ahead to the next step.

Once your WhatsApp Business account is set up and ready to go, let’s connect it to Flex!

Launch the Flex UI in your browser, and you should see something like this:

New Flex instance created

Check Status

Navigate to the WhatsApp Senders and make sure that you have an approved WhatsApp status like so:

Approved by WhatsApp status

Configure a Webhook

On the same page, click on your WhatsApp number. Then, under Endpoint Configuration choose Use webhooks and paste your webhook URL under Webhook URL for incoming messages. The format should look like this:

Replace ACxx with your Account SID (found in your account dashboard) and KSxx with your Flex Proxy Service SID (found in the Services page). This will be your Message Handler URL.

Configure a webhook for incoming messages

Configure Phone Number

Go to the Phone Numbers page, find your WhatsApp number and under Messaging choose Proxy Service and Flex Proxy Service under “A Message Comes In”, like so:

Setting a proxy service for messaging in Twilio

Lastly, run the following curl request:  

curl -X POST "" \
--data-urlencode "ChannelType=whatsapp" \
--data-urlencode "Enabled=true" \
--data-urlencode "JanitorEnabled=true" \
--data-urlencode "IntegrationType=studio" \
--data-urlencode "ContactIdentity=whatsapp:+13115552368" \
--data-urlencode "FriendlyName=Flex WhatsApp FlexFlow" \
--data-urlencode "Integration.FlowSid=FWxxxxxx" \
--data-urlencode "ChatServiceSid=ISxxxxxx" \
-u ACxxxxxx:yourAuthToken

Replace the values above with your:

  • WhatsApp number (in the ContactIdentity) in this format: whatsapp:[+][country code][subscriber number including area code] (Ensure that the number after whatsapp: is in E.164 format and that it is set to the exact same number that you registered with WhatsApp. This may be different from your PSTN number)
  • Studio Flow SID  (in Integration.FlowSid)
  • Flex Chat Service SID 
  • Account SID
  • Auth Token

Start Chatting

Your WhatsApp for Business is now set up with Flex! Open your Flex instance, set your status to Available, send a test WhatsApp message to your WhatsApp Sender, and watch it come in as a new task in Flex!

Testing a Twilio Flex and WhatsApp integration

Twilio Flex and WhatsApp integration working, from within Flex

Now that you’ve integrated Flex and the Business WhatsApp API, you can look into integrating Facebook Messenger with Flex. We can’t wait to see what you build!

Zarina Gumbatova is a Technical Support Engineer for Twilio Flex. She is passionate about solving problems and helping people. She can be reached at zgumbatova [at]

Anson Foong is a Developer Educator for Twilio Flex. He previously worked as a Software Engineer and is enthusiastic about learning & educating developers and guiding them through building applications. He can be reached at afoong [at]