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Flex UI Components



Auto-Generated Documentation for the Flex UI(link takes you to an external page) is now available. The auto-generated documentation is accurate and comprehensive, and so may differ from what you see in the official Flex UI documentation.

Flex UI is a library of programmable or dynamic components that expose a Content property and allows you to add, replace and remove any component and its children.

Content property and add / replace / remove methods

content-property-and-add--replace--remove-methods page anchor

Below you can find a list of UI components and their details, that can be overridden programmatically. This can be done by using add, replace and remove methods with options.



All components must have a key declared.

Syntax for add/replace methods

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Flex.Component.Content.add(<MyComponent key="demo-component"/>, {options});
Flex.Component.Content.replace(<MyComponent key="demo-component"/>, {options});


Below is an example of adding a component called AnotherMuteButton to the MainHeader component, aligned to the end (here left) and placed as the first component in front of native components MuteButton and UserControls:

Flex.MainHeader.Content.add(<AnotherMuteButton key="mute"/>, {
sortOrder: -1,
align: “end”

Syntax for remove method

syntax-for-remove-method page anchor

Remove method allows you to remove immediate children of a programmable component by their key.

Flex.Component.Content.remove(key, {options});


Below is an example of removing the AnotherMuteButton component from the MainHeader component. This component is removed by the key we set above, "mute".


Options for add/replace/remove methods

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if (Expression)

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Used in both add and replace methods to add conditions on which component is added or replaced.


Flex.MainHeader.Content.add(<AnotherMuteButton key="mute"/>, {
if : props => props.task.source.taskChannelUniqueName === "custom1"

Used in add method to specify the order in which the new component is placed in relation to other children of the parent component. Native children components take priority. Sort order counter starts with 0. To always place a new component at the very start or end of the order, use large numbers like -100 or 100, depending on the direction.


Flex.MainHeader.Content.add(<AnotherMuteButton key="mute"/>, {
sortOrder: -1

align ('start' | 'end')

align-start--end page anchor

Used in the add method to align new components either to the top/bottom or right/left, depending on the direction of the parent component. Possible values are:

  • start - Aligns new component on the left or top
  • end - aligns new component on the right or bottom


Flex.MainHeader.Content.add(<AnotherMuteButton key="mute"/>, {
align: “end”

Each immediate child of a component has a key (required for the add and replace methods) and a set of properties that will be inherited by its children. To find a component's key or explore component props, go to Flex UI API Reference(link takes you to an external page).

Agents Desktop View components overview

agents-desktop-view-components-overview page anchor

Teams View components overview

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Customizing the NotificationsBar is described in Notifications Framework


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Agent Desktop View Components

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For details on how to configure filters for the task list, see the UI configuration page.


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Add / Replace / Remove and properties of the TaskListItem are described in the Task Channel Definition API.


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Add / Replace / Remove and properties of the TaskListItem are described in the Task Channel Definition API.



Adding a button to Chat type task

Flex.DefaultTaskChannels.Chat.addedComponents = [{
target: "TaskListButtons",
component: <Flex.IconButton key="eye_button" icon="Eye" />

Adding a button to Chat type task when it is in accepted state

Flex.DefaultTaskChannels.Chat.addedComponents = [{
target: "TaskListButtons",
component: <Flex.IconButton key="eye_button" icon="Eye" />,
options: { if: props.task.status === "accepted" }

Removing a reject button from Chat type task

Flex.DefaultTaskChannels.Chat.removedComponents = [{
target: "TaskListButtons",
key: "reject"

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Add tabs and content

import { Tab } from "@twilio/flex-ui"
init(flex, manager) {
const Img = <img src="http://someimage.jpg" />;
<Tab icon={Img} iconActive={Img} key="my-new-tab">

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The Worker directory contains 2 tabs by default:

  • Agents - key workers
  • Queues - key queues

Example: Add new custom tab

<Flex.Tab key="my-tab" label="My Tab">
<div> "Hello World"

Worker Directory Tabs Hidden Filters

WorkerDirectoryTabs accepts 2 default props:

  • hiddenWorkerFilter
  • hiddenQueueFilter

These filters are applied to the list in combination with the filter applied by the user typing in the search string. You can programmatically apply a filter that is hidden from the user, i.e. the user cannot disable it. You could use this feature to pre-filter the list of available transferees an agent can search and choose from, to their team members or available agents only. In the following example, we use live query to:

  • filter the agents list to only show agents with a specific team_name attribute ( you can set user attributes via your SSO provider )
  • filter the agents list to only show agents that are in the Available activity
  • filter the queues list to only show queues with a specific queue_name attribute

// Filter Agents by Worker Attributes or activity_name
Flex.WorkerDirectoryTabs.defaultProps.hiddenWorkerFilter = 'data.attributes.team_name CONTAINS "sales"'
Flex.WorkerDirectoryTabs.defaultProps.hiddenWorkerFilter = 'data.activity_name CONTAINS "Available"'
// Filter Queues by queue_name or queue_sid
Flex.WorkerDirectoryTabs.defaultProps.hiddenQueueFilter = 'data.queue_name CONTAINS "sales"'

The hidden filter feature is only available in @twilio/flex-ui@1.26.0 and later. Starting in 1.33.3, the hiddenWorkerFilter has been changed to queueFilter which takes a predicate function.

Flex.WorkerDirectoryTabs.defaultProps.queueFilter = (queue) => queue.queueName.includes("HR")

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ParticipantsCanvas is a responsive component and will switch between regular mode and list mode depending on the size of the container its placed in. Regular mode and list mode contain different children - ParticipantCanvas and ParticipantCanvasListItem respectively. When customizing ParticipantsCanvas children, like adding an additional button, remember to do customization to both children components

Regular mode


List mode

ParticipantsCanvas in ListMode.

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WorkersDataTable is a programmable component. It is a Material UI table styled to the Flex theme with data from the Insights SDK.

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As of flex-ui v1.12.0 new exports were added to refer to workers instead of agents:

  • WorkersDataTable
  • WorkerListFilterSelect
  • WorkersDataTable
  • WorkersDataTableProps
  • WorkerListFilter

For example, AgentsDataTable is now referred to as WorkersDataTable. However, previous exports (like AgentsDataTable) are kept for backwards compatibility

By default, WorkersDataTable contains the following rows:

  • Agent - UserCard component

    • SupervisorUserCardFirstLine - default value retrieves the full name of the worker if it exists, and the identity if not. Variables provided to the template: worker
    • SupervisorUserCardSecondLine - default value shows the availability of the worker. Variables provided to the template: worker
    • The first and second row are template strings with names.
  • Calls - TaskCardList component , showing tasks of the voice channel in assigned and wrapping state
  • Other tasks - TaskCardList component , showing tasks of all channels (apart from voice) in assigned and wrapping state

Add columns to WorkersDataTable

add-columns-to-workersdatatable page anchor

Columns can be added to the table programmatically. Columns cannot be removed yet (the ability to do that is coming soon). You can add columns with different types of content:

  • TaskCardList component
  • Any custom component
  • String


import { TaskCardList, ColumnDefinition } from "@twilio/flex-ui";
<ColumnDefinition key="calls" header={"My Custom Header"} content={(items, context) => <TaskCardList tasks={items.tasks} />} />);

TaskCardList also has a filter prop which can be used here, and which is optional. If the filter prop is not set, all tasks in the list will be rendered:

export interface TaskCardListProps {
compareFunction?: (a: TaskData, b: TaskData) => number;
filter?: (task: TaskData) => boolean;
tasks: TaskData[];

Any custom component

import { ColumnDefinition } from "@twilio/flex-ui";
Flex.WorkersDataTable.Content.add(<ColumnDefinition key="hello" header={"Helloxxx"} content={<div>hello</div>}/>);


You can use Worker attributes as follows:

import { ColumnDefinition } from "@twilio/flex-ui";
Flex.WorkersDataTable.Content.add(<ColumnDefinition key="team" header={"Team"} content={item => item.worker.attributes.team_name}/>);

By default, WorkersDataTable has 2 filters:

  • All agents
  • Active agents - worker with current activity state set of type available

Filters for the Workers Table can be programmatically changed, by defining filters property of WorkersDataTable component

Example of creating a filter to show workers with activity "Break"

With configuration object

componentProps: {
WorkersDataTable: {
filters: [
query: 'data.activity_name == "Break"',
text: "Workers on break"

With defaultProps API

Flex.WorkersDataTable.defaultProps.filters = [
query: 'data.activity_name == "Break"',
text: "Workers on break"

Query data schema

data object in the query refers to TaskRouter worker resource. The following attributes on a worker can be used for filters query:

object namedescriptionformat
data.activity_nameworker's current activity friendly nameString
data.attributesworker's attributesKey value pair
data.date_activity_changeddate of the last activity change of the current workerDatetime ISO8601
data.friendly_nameworker's friendly nameString
data.worker_activity_sidworker's current activity sidString
data.worker_sidworker's sidString
data.workspace_sidworker's workspace sidString

Query operators

WorkersDataTable is powered by Twilio Sync and we use Twilio Sync Live Query for filtering of the workers. See Live Query docs for supported query operators.

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Worker directory contains 2 tabs by default:


Adding tabs and content

<Flex.Tab key="my-tab" label="My Tab">
<div> "Hello World"

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