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Invites Subresource



Flex Conversations requires Flex UI 2.0.x. If you are on Flex UI 1.x.x, refer to the Messaging in Flex pages.

The Interaction Channel Invite subresource allows you to add an agent as a new participant to an existing interaction channel.


Use this endpoint to:

  • add an agent to an ongoing interaction,
  • to find an agent that should be added by evaluating a TaskRouter workflow , or
  • to send an interaction to a queue .

The invite creates a new task for the existing interaction which will result in reservations offered to the agent(s). Note the example JSON response on this page is not representative of the actual API response. See example response on "Park an Interaction".



Remember to handle certain terminal TaskRouter events according to your application's needs, as conversations may stay orphaned with an open state.

See Conversations Best Practices for details.

Interaction Channel Invite properties

interaction-channel-invite-properties page anchor
Routing [required]A JSON Object representing the routing rules for the Interaction Channel. See Outbound SMS Example for an example Routing object. The Interactions resource uses TaskRouter for all routing functionality.
properties [required]Fields needed to create a task:

workspace_sid [required] The TaskRouter Workspace SID which starts with WS.

workflow_sid [optional] The Workflow SID prefixed by WW. Optional if there's only one workflow defined otherwise it's mandatory

queue_sid [required for agent-initiated], the Task router Queue SID prefixed by WQ.

worker_sid [required for agent-initiated]

task_channel_sid [optional]

task_channel_unique_name [optional]

attributes [optional] : The task attributes.

priority [optional]: The priority of the task in the queue.

timeout [optional]: The task/reservation timeout interval in seconds.

All attributes in the Routing object on your Interaction request body are added "as is" to the task. For a list of known attributes consumed by the Flex UI and/or Flex Insights, see Known Task Attributes.
Resource properties
sidtype: SID<KG>

The unique string created by Twilio to identify an Interaction Channel Invite resource.

interaction_sidtype: SID<KD>

The Interaction SID for this Channel.

channel_sidtype: SID<UO>

The Channel SID for this Invite.

routingtype: object

A JSON object representing the routing rules for the Interaction Channel. See Outbound SMS Example(link takes you to an external page) for an example Routing object. The Interactions resource uses TaskRouter for all routing functionality. All attributes in the Routing object on your Interaction request body are added “as is” to the task. For a list of known attributes consumed by the Flex UI and/or Flex Insights, see Known Task Attributes(link takes you to an external page).

urltype: string<uri>

Create an Interaction Channel Invite

create-an-interaction-channel-invite page anchor


create-parameters page anchor
URI parameters
InteractionSidtype: SID<KD>
Path ParameterNot PII

The Interaction SID for this Channel.

ChannelSidtype: SID<UO>
Path ParameterNot PII

The Channel SID for this Invite.

Request body parameters
Routingtype: objectRequired

The Interaction's routing logic.

This example request invites an agent to a channel in an interaction.


// Download the helper library from
// Find your Account SID and Auth Token at
// and set the environment variables. See
const accountSid = process.env.TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID;
const authToken = process.env.TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN;
const client = require('twilio')(accountSid, authToken);
.create({routing: {
properties: {
.then(interaction_channel_invite => console.log(interaction_channel_invite.sid));


"routing": {
"properties": {
"url": ""

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