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Downgrade to Flex UI 1.x.x and Legacy Messaging

In order to successfully downgrade from Flex 2.x.x, please follow these steps.

Convert Conversations Addresses to Legacy Messaging

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When you downgrade from Flex UI 2.0.x, you will need to convert Conversations Addresses to Legacy Addresses in your account as Conversations is only available for customers using Flex UI 2.0.x and up.

  1. Navigate to Flex > Manage > Messaging(link takes you to an external page) in the Twilio Console and select the Conversations Addresses tab. Take note of the Address details before deleting each Conversation Address as you will need to recreate them in the Legacy Addresses tab.
  2. Notice the Address type filter - go through the Address types, remove Conversations Addresses for all types (by default, there is one SMS Address and one Chat Address).
  3. Select Legacy Addresses and click Create new Address .
  4. Create your Legacy Addresses to match the former Conversations Addresses.


The Twilio Webchat React repository(link takes you to an external page) is only compatible with Flex 2.0.x. Flex UI 1.x.x uses the legacy webchat widget.

Configure Studio Flow

configure-studio-flow page anchor

When creating a Legacy Address, you can reuse the same Studio Flow(link takes you to an external page) previously associated with a Conversations Address. Confirm that the Send to Flex widget is connected to the Incoming Message trigger and that it uses the attributes structure for Messaging and Chat Studio Flows. Original out-of-box Studio Flows are configured like that by default.


Downgrade Flex UI and Plugins

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Flex UI 1.x.x uses React 16.5.2 by default. If your plugin was built on a later version of React and you downgrade the UI without disabling your existing plugins, your Flex instance will no longer be functional. Follow these steps to update your plugin:



Before you downgrade to Flex UI 1.x.x, verify that all ongoing Flex Conversations messaging tasks — SMS, WhatsApp, etc. — are completed.

  1. Navigate to the Flex Admin dashboard(link takes you to an external page) and select Developer Setup .
  2. Select the plugin you want to use and change the status to Disabled . You will need to do this with all of the plugins installed on your account.
  3. Once the plugins are all disabled, you can downgrade your UI version: From the Flex Versioning and updates(link takes you to an external page) page in the Admin dashboard, select a 1.x.x version from the version list. To pin to a specific Flex UI version, see " Flex UI Versioning " on the Flex UI Core Concepts page .
  4. Enable your plugins again by navigating to Developer Setup and clicking on the plugin.
  5. Select Enable .
  6. To update the React version of the plugin to be compatible with Flex 1.x.x, change the version of React in your package.json file to 16.5.2 .
  7. Click Save to apply the change.

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