New Twilio Developer Contest Category: Play (Ends Sunday October 10)

October 04, 2010
Written by
John Sheehan
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

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Our Union Square Ventures contest wrapped up last week and the response was amazing! We’ll have an update on that contest soon, but now that we’ve had a chance to catch our breath, it’s time for a new contest category. We’ve been so focused on businesses and startups and work, work, work lately that I thought we should lighten things up. That brings us to this week’s category: Play.

This is a pretty wide open category. Play encompasses anything people do for fun. Whether it’s playing games, playing music, playing sports or any other hobby or recreational activity; if you come up with the best way to augment those activities with an SMS or voice app, you have a chance to win this week’s prize of $100 in Twilio credit and a $250 Amazon gift card.

The contest ends Sunday October 10th at 11:59pm PT. Read more about our contests or if you’re ready to submit your entry, follow the instructions on the submission form. Good luck!

Photo by Geekly