New CakePHP Twilio Datasource from Aaron Reisman

June 09, 2010
Written by
John Sheehan
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

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Aaron Reisman is a Media Specialist and Founder of Life is Content.
While working on some Twilio projects Aaron
developed a new CakePHP Datasource for accessing the Twilio API via standard model functions. The source code is freely
available on GitHub
. Let’s take a look at an example of how it works.

You’ll need PHP 5.x and CakePHP 1.3.x to use the datasource. Once you have that setup, installation is three easy steps:

  1. Download and add the files to a new CakePHP Project.
  2. Edit the database file and use your credentials.
  3. Modify the texts controller to your needs.

Once configured, a sample controller might look like this:

class TextsController extends AppController {
function index(){
// Will use the username defined in the $twitter as shown above:
$texts = $this->Text->find('all');
// Create a new text (sends an SMS message)
//$texts = $this->Text->save(array('To' => 4157175170, 'From' => 4152360978, 'Body' => 'This is an update'));
// Finds texts by another username
//$conditions= array('AccountSid' => 'AccountSid');
//$otherTexts = $this->Text->find('all', compact('conditions'));

If you use CakePHP, the Twilio Datasource can simplify working with the Twilio API. Head on
over to GitHub
, download it and give it a try in your apps!