Mobile World Congress In Session At Barcelona

February 27, 2012
Written by
Meghan Grady
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

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Each February, mobile industry professionals from around the world descend upon Barcelona for GSMA’s Mobile World Congress to discuss the state of the industry, and more importantly, consume massive amounts of jamón and vinos de España.  As we continue to expand within Europe we are very excited to meet with the European carriers, and with the recent release of Twilio Client iOS SDK, we can’t wait to spend time with a new community of smartphone developers.

Over 60,000 flock to MWC each year, and 2012 looks to be a banner year with the spectacular growth of the smartphone development community.  We’re looking forward to meeting you during MWC at one of the many events listed below. Please reach out to if you’d like to catch up while in Barcelona.

The Events

Alcatel-Lucent Discussion :: February 27 :: Agora Room, Hall 6 :: @Alcatel-Lucent

Twilio is honored to be participating in “Spark the Fires of Innovation,” a series of discussions hosted by Alcatel-Lucent. We will be joining Voxeo and 3scale for a candid discussion about attracting developers and strategic partners to our platform and how we shatter the assumptions of what a 21st century carrier can do. This event is invite-only; you can reach out to Tracy Little (tracy.little at alcatel-lucent dot com) to find out more. Alcatel-Lucent will be hosting several exciting panels and customer forums at their booth.

Bubble over Barcelona :: February 29 :: Museu del Rock :: @bobmwc

Bubble over Barcelona is a new event at MWC this year and we are very excited to be tagging along. Brian Mullen, our head of Business Development, will be joining the discussion with the aptly-titled panel “Tools for Making Bad-Ass Apps.” There will be several entertaining roundtables as well as pitches from the movers and shakers in the mobile industry. You can expect a lot of surprises and all of the hustle and bustle of Silicon Valley at this event.

WIPJam :: March 1 :: AppPlanet, Auditorium A :: @wipjam

Rumor has it that if there is one place to find all of the developers at MWC, it’s WIPJam.  At WIPJam you will catch motivating keynotes, participate in challenging discussions, and learn about the newest technologies all in one place. Make sure to join in on the APIs discussion with Thomas Schiavone, and you will NOT want to miss the Cloud Powered Karaoke Party that Rob Spectre will be “CJ”ing (cloud jockeying) at lunch! Make sure to check out the WIP Party on Wednesday as well.

API Hack Day :: Feb 28 :: Location :: #apihackday

MasheryTeamboxUniversity Ramon LlulldotopenappMobi3scaleSendGrid, and Twilio have all teamed up to bring you the very first API Hack Day during MWC at La Salle University. With this bulky list of awesome APIs in your toolbox and the amazing talent that will be in house hacking together, we can’t even imagine the crazy cool hacks you are going to build.  Our own Stevie Graham will be on hand to get you kickstarted on Twilio Client for iOS as well as show off his epic dance moves.  To join in the fun, register here.

Parties Parties Parties!

Spain knows how to have fun, and with an influx of 60,000 travelers, Barcelona will be raging all week long. Twilions are always up for a good time, so if you are looking for some telephonic supersonic sensational company for your get-together, be sure to reach out and let us know.

The Team

If you would like to get involved with any of the events, or if you are looking to hang with the team on the ground in Barcelona, please email