How to Dial and Answer Phone Calls with Spark and Java 8 in IntelliJ

March 13, 2017
Written by
Matt Makai

Spark, IntelliJ, Java and Twilio Voice logos

Java web applications can easily dial and receive phone calls by combining the Spark web framework with the Twilio Voice API. Our example phone calls will say a snippet of text then play an MP3 file, but they can easily be modified to provide other useful actions like gathering user input from the number pad or creating conference calls.

Our Project Tools

Our Spark web app will use the Java 8 JDK and Apache Maven so make sure you have those tools installed. If you need to get Java 8 and Apache Maven installed on your Windows machine, check out this tutorial (you can skip over the GWT bits). We will also need the following tools throughout this walkthrough:

You can snag all the code for this tutorial in the java-twilio-example-apps GitHub repository. Copy and modify the code as you see fit – it is all open source under the MIT license.

Starting Our Project

IntelliJ can create our project boilerplate for us as well as install Spark and the Twilio Java helper library.
Start IntelliJ and select “Create New Project”, then choose Maven.


Click Next, then fill in the GroupId, ArtifactId and Version on the New Project screen. You can keep the defaults shown in the following screenshot or use your own settings.

Click the “Next” button. On the following screen, fill in javaCalls for the Project name and place the project in its own subdirectory under where you keep your Java projects.

I typically store my projects under the C:\devel\projects path, but you can put this folder wherever your projects are typically located.
Click the “Finish” button and IntelliJ will open up the IDE.

Now we’re ready to install the project dependencies via Maven and finally get to coding.

Installing Our Dependencies

Open the pom.xml Maven file. Add the following two new dependencies highlighted below:

    <!-- model version - always 4.0.0 for Maven 2.x POMs -->

    <!-- modify these project values to uniquely identify your project -->

    <!-- library dependencies -->



The above XML provides Maven instructions for what application dependencies to install. In our case, we only have two dependencies, one for Spark and the other for the Twilio Java helper library. Save the pom.xml file.
Maven should automatically download the dependencies. If it does not, go to “Settings” -> “Build, Execution, Deployment” -> “Build Tools” -> “Maven” -> “Importing”, then enable the checkbox to “Import Maven projects automatically”.


Our two required dependencies will be locally installed as soon as Maven finishes running.
Now that our jar dependencies are installed we can write some Java code.

Java Coding with Spark

Our Spark web application will have three endpoints:

  • / – returns a plain text message to let us know our Spark app is running
  • /twiml – responds with TwiML (a set of instructions written in XML) that instructs Twilio what to do with phone calls
  • /dial-phone/, where “outbound_phone_number” is a phone number in the format “+12025551234”

Create a new file named to the src/main/java folder inside your project. Write the following lines of code in

import static spark.Spark.get;

public class PhoneCalls {

    // lets us know our app is up and running
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        get("/", (req, res) -> "Spark app up and running!");

Save the file. Click “Build” -> “Build Project”, or press Ctrl-F9 to compile and build via IntelliJ. Then click “Run” -> “Run” or press Shift-F10 to run the application.
If IntelliJ gives a compilation error that says “Method references are not supported at this language level”, type Alt enter and select “Set language level to 8 – Lambdas, type annotations, etc.” from the drop-down list. Rebuild and the error should go away.

The Spark development server will start running. If you see warnings about “Failed to load class org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder” don’t worry about that for now as we won’t need to do any logging.
Test out the app by going to http://localhost:4567/ in your web browser. We should get a success message that the app is running and responding to requests.


Next we need to buy a Twilio phone number that our Spark app can use to call other phone numbers.

Obtaining Our Twilio Number

Our Spark web app runs but what we really want to do is make some phone calls.
In your web browser go to the Twilio website and sign up for a free account. You can also sign into your existing Twilio account if you already have one.


The Twilio trial account allows you to dial and receive phone calls to your own validated phone number. To dial and receive calls from any phone number you need to upgrade your account. Trial accounts are great for initial development before your application goes live but upgraded accounts are where the real power of Twilio is revealed.
Once you are signed into your Twilio account, go to the manage phone numbers screen. On this screen you can buy one or more phone numbers or click on an existing phone number in your account to configure it.

There is nothing for us to configure right now on the phone number configuration page but we will come back to it shortly so keep it open in your browser. Now that we have a phone number in hand, let’s add the final bit of code to our Spark app to get this app fully functional.

Finishing Our Spark App

There is one issue with our local development environment configuration: Twilio won’t be able to reach that /twiml route. We need to deploy our app to a reachable server or use a localhost tunneling tool like Ngrok. Ngrok provides an external URL that connects to a port running on your machine. Download and install the Ngrok application for your operating system.
Run the following command to make our Spark app on port 4567 available publicly on the Internet via Ngrok. You either need to be in the same directory as ngrok.exe:

ngrok http 4567

Ngrok will start up and provide us with a Forwarding URL, with both HTTP and HTTPS versions. Keep the HTTPS version of the Forwarding URL handy as we’ll use it in our Java code in just a moment.
We need to add two new routes to our Spark app so it can dial outbound phone calls. Modify your existing file with the two new lambda functions below to handle the twiml_response and outbound_call endpoints:


import com.twilio.http.TwilioRestClient;
import com.twilio.twiml.Play;
import com.twilio.twiml.Say;
import com.twilio.twiml.VoiceResponse;
import com.twilio.type.PhoneNumber;

import static spark.Spark.get;
import static;

public class PhoneCalls {

    // find your Account SID & Auth Token in Twilio Console:
    public static final String ACCOUNT_SID = "ACxxxxxxxxx"; // your Account SID found in the Twilio Console
    public static final String AUTH_TOKEN = "yyyy"; // your auth token also found in the Twilio Console

    // use the +12025551234 format for the value in the following constant
    public static final String TWILIO_NUMBER = "+12023359765"; // Twilio phone number for dialing outbound phone calls

    public static final String NGROK_BASE_URL = ""; // paste your ngrok Forwarding URL such as

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // instantiate the TwilioRestClient helper library with our Twilio credentials set as constants
        TwilioRestClient client = new TwilioRestClient.Builder(ACCOUNT_SID, AUTH_TOKEN).build();

        // lets us know our app is up and running
        get("/", (request, response) -> "Spark app up and running!");

        // twiml endpoint
        post("/twiml", (request, response) -> {
            // generate the TwiML response to tell Twilio what to do
            Say sayHello = new Say.Builder("Hello from Twilio, Java 8 and Spark!").build();
            Play playSong = new Play.Builder("").build();
            VoiceResponse voiceResponse = new VoiceResponse.Builder().say(sayHello).play(playSong).build();
            return voiceResponse.toXml();

        // this endpoint handles dialing outbound phone calls with the TwilioRestClient object
        get("/dial-phone/:number", (request, response) -> {
            String phoneNumber = request.params(":number");
            /* as long as the phone number is not blank or null, we'll attempt to dial it, but
               you can add more exception handling here */
            if (!phoneNumber.isEmpty()) {
                PhoneNumber to = new PhoneNumber(phoneNumber);
                PhoneNumber from = new PhoneNumber(TWILIO_NUMBER);
                URI uri = URI.create(NGROK_BASE_URL + "/twiml");

                // Make the call using the TwilioRestClient we instantiated
                Call call = new CallCreator(to, from, uri).create(client);
                return "Dialing " + phoneNumber + " from your Twilio phone number...";
            } else {
                return "Hey, you need to enter a valid phone number in the URL!";

The Forwarding URL plus the route will instruct Twilio to handle the phone call when someone answers. Insert the Ngrok forwarding URL into the file where NGROK_BASE_URL is specified:


One bit to be aware of when using Ngrok is that your Forwarding URL will change whenever you restart Ngrok, so you’ll need to update your code with the latest Forwarding URL.
Ensure that you have replaced the phone number listed above with your Twilio phone number. Also modify the placeholders within ACCOUNT_SID and AUTH_TOKEN constants so your application can properly instantiate the TwilioRestClient.

Making Calls

Stop your Spark application. Rebuild the project then start the Spark application so it loads up the new code you just wrote.
Bring up your application in the web browser. Go to “localhost:4567/dial-phone/my-phone-number”, where “my-phone-number” is a number in the “+12023350173” E.164 format. For example, here is what happens when I get the call on my phone:


When we pick up the phone call we also see the /twiml route get called via Ngrok.

With only a couple of Spark routes plus Twilio’s Voice API and we were able to make phones ring!

Dialing Our Application

Outbound calls are handy, but what if someone misses our call and dials the phone number back? Luckily, we’ve already done all the hard work to make inbound calls possible. We just need to copy our Ngrok forwarding URL plus TwiML endpoint into the phone number configuration screen.


Click “Save” and dial your application’s number with your cell phone. You should get the same message and MP3 played as when you dialed the outbound phone call.

What’s Next?

We can now dial and answer phone calls from our Spark web application using our Twilio phone number. Next you could try to add even more features to your application by learning from one of the following tutorials:

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