Get Hacking on Twilio Voice at Startup Weekend Marseille and Lille

November 28, 2011
Written by
Meghan Grady
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

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We have the perfect opportunity for those of you in France looking for an excuse to tinker with the Twilio API.  Startup Weekend is coming to Marseille December 2-5 and Lille December 9-11 and we will expedite you through the Europe Voice Early Access program if you would like to hack on Twilio at one of these events.

To be expedited through the Euro Beta, there are a few  simple steps.  First, you must sign up for the Europe Voice Early Access program.  Then, forward your Startup Weekend registration confirmation email to and include your Twilio Account SID.  To get setup for Startup Weekend Marseille, complete these steps by 11/30.  For Startup Weekend Lille, complete the above by 12/7.  Finally, hack away – we can’t wait to see what you build!