JustRemindIt Voice and SMS Reminders Get Sought After Upgrades

January 05, 2012
Written by
Meghan Murphy
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

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We highlighted JustRemindIt in early 2011 with the launch of the JustRemindIt iPhone  app, and we’re always excited see our customers grow their user base and expand their

This month developer Aditya Kothadiya released a major update to the iPhone app along with some other great upgrades. JustRemindIt provides an automatic and easy way to send Voice and SMS reminders to your friends, colleagues, clients and yourself via both iPhone and the web.

The beginnings of JustRemindIt

JustRemindIt was first created by Aditya’s wife who prototyped the reminder system for a class project. The Twilio-powered app received very positive feedback from classmates and friends so Aditya built a commercial version. In just under a year JustRemindIt users grew from a handful of initial users to thousands of active users, including professionals and service providers. Initially offering only voice reminders, the app recently added many new capabilities based on the quickly growing users and professional customers of the service.

What’s new in JustRemindIt

As JustRemindIt’s users grew, Aditya was seeing more professional service providers joining the service, many who quickly became high volume users. Scaling was simple for Aditya using Twilio and requested features, like SMS reminders, were implemented with ease. Check out the list of the latest updates with the app:

  • SMS reminder capabilities
  • recurring reminders
  • message templates
  • stored contacts
  • new monthly subscription plans for light users and power users

Read more about how you can use JustRemindIt on the site and check out the screen shots below:

Web App

iPhone App

Continuing to grow

Aditya plans to continue responding to the thousands of customers who are actively requesting new features and improvements, which also means expanding internationally. Android and Blackberry are in future plans as JustRemindIt aims to be available on every platform.

Learn more about JustRemindIt on the web or download the iPhone app here, and keep an eye on this service as Aditya grows the service.