New Developer Contest: Mashup Twilio & Open311

May 10, 2010
Written by
Danielle Morrill
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

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On Thursday evening last week we brought together over 300 people passionate about open data and the future of government 2.0 to hear from thought leaders in the space.  Twilio CEO Jeff Lawson was the MC for the evening, and joining him onstage where luminary speakers including Tim O’Reilly, Mitch Kapor, and Craig Newmark.  Special guests included Chris Vein, the CIO of San Francisco, and Philip Ashlock from

Among the thoughts shared and announcements made, we launched a new developer contest challenging software engineers to build mashups of Twilio and Open311 and submit them for the chance to win a Netbook and $100 in Twilio credit.

As announced at
our event at San Francisco
City Hall last Thursday
, Twilio has partnered with the City of San
Francisco for a developer contest focused on innovation using the
Open311 API and Twilio API to build apps and new functionality.  We are
challenging developers to combine our APIs for the chance to win a

About Open311

Open311 is a form of technology that
provides open channels of
communication for issues that concern public space and public
services,and refers to a standardized technology for
location-based collaborative issue-tracking.

offering free web API
access to an existing 311 service, Open311 is an evolution of the
phone-based 311 systems that many cities in North America offer.  Learn more here…

If you want to bounce ideas off of someone, leave a comment on this
or feel free to drop us a line at

We’ve also got a conversation going on the contest in our forum, so feel
free to chime in.

How to Enter the

Developers have
until 11:59pm on Sunday, May 23rd, to submit
an application that uses Open311 and Twiio to Twilio for the chance to
win some sweet
prizes.  Developers may submit as many entries to the
contest as they wish, but can only win one prize.  In the case that
several submissions from a single developer make it to the finalists
circle, only the highest ranking prize will be awarded.



The first
place winner will receive a Netbook from Twilio and $100 in Twilio
developer credit.