Super Startup Weekend Makes a Stop In Cleveland

November 13, 2010
Written by
John Sheehan
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Startup Weekend Cleveland
This is part two in a series of posts about my adventures on a Super Startup Weekend. You can read part one (Detroit) here.

I got to the Cleveland State University Nance School of Business building on Saturday morning and found teams already hard at work for the day. Saturday morning is when most teams really start putting the rubber to the road. The idea is mostly agreed upon and responsibilities are divvied out. While it may seem quiet, you can see the wheels churning as participants start putting the pieces together.

Cleveland had five teams formed and I spent some time with each of the teams that I could find.


GovGame is like fantasy sports, but for government. You pick politicians for your team, and based on their actions you get points. Progress appeared to be coming along nicely as the discussions were around specific features and presentation. The GovGame crew had covered the walls of their room with mockups and proposed rules. I had a chance to interview the founder who pitched GovGame on Friday night.

Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.

Overall I was impressed with the originality of the ideas the Cleveland teams were working on. It was a small group but the energy and passion for startups was just as prevalent as anywhere else. Next stop, Indianapolis.