Twilio Powered Betwext Keeps 700+ Attendees Updated at Wordcamp Phoenix

January 29, 2011
Written by
Danielle Morrill
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

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How do event organizers reach out to hundreds of conference attendees to keep them updated throughout the day about the schedule, wifi, and myriad details that make an event successful?

Jonathan Kressaty is banking on Betwext, a service he built on top of Twilio to help event coordinators send scheduled text messages to their guests.  Even better, Betwext imports all your Eventbrite attendees as subscribers, so you don’t have to worry about doing a bulk upload – as people register they are automatically added to the campaign.

As Kressaty says in his blog post:

Importing is easy, but there are a couple quick things to think about before starting. You’ll need your Eventbrite API key, which you can find by visiting your Eventbrite Account settings and then clicking on “API User Key” in the sidebar. Copy and paste the key into the Eventbrite API Key field in your Broadcast profile. Also, when setting up your events, make sure to require the mobile phone number field – if you don’t do this, we can’t import your event subscribers!

Staying Connected at Wordcamp Phoenix


Last night each Wordcamp Phoenix attendee received an SMS reminder about the event hashtag on Twitter, as well as a reminder about what time things were getting started today.
