We Want You: Join the Twilio.org Impact Corps

September 13, 2017
Written by
Erika Balbuena
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

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At Twilio.org, we’ve seen firsthand how a few lines of code can save a life, advance a cause, or strengthen a community. Social impact organizations around the world have used Twilio to establish critical communications with the people they serve. Yet many nonprofits are just getting started with Twilio, and many more can use a little help as they begin their communications journeys.

We’ve also heard from many of you in our developer community that you want to use your skills for good but you aren’t sure how to get started. We’ve previously worked 1:1 with developers and nonprofits to help create custom communications applications. These applications helped meet some important target needs, but the effort was challenging to scale. Today, we’re turning those efforts up to 11 with the launch of the Twilio.org Impact Corps.

About the Impact Corps
The Twilio.org Impact Corps is a community of developers and social impact organizations who are connecting to build positive change through communications technology. Through the Impact Corps, volunteer developers link with nonprofit organizations that share their passions and need technical assistance.

We designed this new initiative with the busy individual in mind. The Impact Corps allows volunteers and nonprofits to meet on their own schedules, with engagements ranging from an hour long consultation to a short coding project. It’s a choose-your-own-adventure engagement.

Impact Corps for Volunteer Developers
By joining the Twilio.org Impact Corps, you can share your superpowers to help nonprofits and social impact organizations reach people when it matters most. A few lines of code or a 1 hour consultation session can help a nonprofit get started with the right communications solution that can dispatch a first responder, connect a refugee with support, or reach a teen in crisis.

Impact Corps for Nonprofits
If you represent a nonprofit just beginning to explore how Twilio can work for your organization, or you’d like some help reviewing your code, the Impact Corps can help set you up for communications success. Have a question about setting up an IVR, or need someone to review your SMS workflow? Social impact organizations that have joined the Twilio.org Impact Access program can connect with a Twilio pro to send you on the right path.

Getting Started with the Impact Corps
If you’d like to learn more about volunteering in the Impact Corps, or if you’d like to connect with a volunteer developer, visit the Impact Corps and sign up today. We can’t wait to see what you build!

Do you or a developer you know code for a nonprofit or social enterprise? Twilio.org can help with API credit and discount pricing to increase your impact.