Phonestagram – Fun with Photo Filters Using Node, Hapi and CamanJS

November 11, 2014
Written by


For reasons that I have never been able to put my finger on, I have resisted signing up for Instagram. This was true before they were acquired by Facebook and is still true today. This is somewhat odd, because I generally consider myself an early adopter and haven’t hesitated to sign-up for new services in the past. I decided that perhaps I had misjudged Instagram, so I checked-out their website to see what they’re about. Here’s what it says:

Capture and Share the World’s Moments – Instagram is a fast, beautiful and fun way to share your life with friends and family.

Wow, who doesn’t want a fast, beautiful and fun way to share your life with friends and family? Well, me apparently. That being said, I like the idea of making pictures a little more awesome using photo filters and I decided to build my own cross-platform version of Instagram that will work with any phone that has a camera using Twilio MMS, Node, Hapi, CamanJS, LevelDB and You can try it now by texting “hello” to:

  • (205) 379-6312 (US)
  • (778) 765-0358 (Canada)

You will receive some instructions on how to use the service along with a list of the valid filters that it supports.

What You Will Need to Get Started

For the purposes of this blog post I’m going to use a Digital Ocean droplet to power this service. Please check-out my my previous blog post for instructions on how to spin-up a Digital Ocean VPS with Node.js pre-installed and set-up a non-root user with sudo privileges.

Step 1: Install Cairo

You’ll be using the CamanJS library to apply filters to photos. One of its dependencies is node-canvas, which in turn depends on several binary libraries, including one called Cairo. Luckily it’s easy to install these libraries on a variety of systems. Follow the steps below to install them on your Ubuntu machine:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libcairo2-dev libjpeg8-dev libpango1.0-dev libgif-dev build-essential g++

Now that your server is set-up you can start to write your app.

Step 2: Create the Node application and serve static files

First create a new directory for your app, change into it and run the command npm init . Give your app a name and stick with all of the defaults for now. Next, install the necessary modules like this:

npm install request twilio hapi joi boom node-uuid level caman --save

Allright, you’ve gotten all of the prerequisites out of the way. Now it’s time to write some code! Open up a new file called index.js and use Hapi to create a very simple web app that serves static files:

var Hapi = require('hapi');

// Create a server with a host and port
var server = new Hapi.Server(process.env.PORT || 3000);

// Add the routes
server.route([ {
 method: 'GET', path: '/{p*}',
   handler: {
     directory: { path: './static', listing: false, index: true }

// Start the server

Create a subdirectory called  static and create a new file called index.html  with the following content:

<!doctype html>

Start your node app with node .  and open up a browser. Visit http://your_server_ip:3000/  and if everything is working you should see the word Phonestagram.

Step 3: Create a route to receive an incoming MMS

Ok, let’s upgrade your app from dumb file server to crazy smart MMS photo processor. Open up index.js  and add a new route called /message :

// Add the routes
  method: 'POST', path: '/message', handler: handleMessage, config: {
    validate: {
      payload: twilioRequestSchema
  } }, {
  method: 'GET', path: '/{p*}',
    handler: {
      directory: { path: './static', listing: false, index: true }


Hapi lets you define a schema using the Joi module to validate incoming requests. Add Joi and Boom to your list of required modules and build a simple schema to validate the NumMedia  parameter:


var Hapi = require('hapi')
  , Joi = require('joi')
  , Boom = require('boom');

// Schema to validate incoming Twilio requests
var twilioRequestSchema = Joi.object().keys({
 NumMedia: Joi.number().integer().min(0),


This schema as defined will do three neat things for you:

  1. Validate that a NumMedia  HTTP POST parameter, if present, is an integer that is greater than or equal to 0.
  2. Convert that parameter from a String value into an Integer.
  3. Will allow, via unknown(), other POST parameters not specified in the schema.

Now, build out the skeleton for the handleMessage  method:

 * Handle requests for /message
var handleMessage = function(req, reply) {

  var header = req.headers['x-twilio-signature'];
  var token = process.env.TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN;
  var url_base = 'http://';
  if (!twilio.validateRequest(token, header, url_base+'/message', req.payload)) {
    reply(Boom.forbidden('Invalid x-twilio-signature'));

  var from = req.payload.From;
  var to = req.payload.To;
  var mediaUrl = req.payload.MediaUrl0;
  var mediaContentType = req.payload.MediaContentType0;
  var filter = req.payload.Body.toLowerCase().trim();

  console.log('Processing MMS: ', mediaUrl, mediaContentType, filter);

  // check to see that the user has submitted an image
  if (mediaUrl && mediaContentType && mediaContentType.indexOf('image') >= 0) {
    // check to see that a valid filter command was passed
    if (filter) {
      // send working on it reply

    else {
      // respond with a list of valid filters

  else {
    // send instructions for app



The first block of code checks to see that the request to this URL is coming from your Twilio account and not just someone curl-ing from their command line. If the request isn’t from Twilio the method replies with an HTTP 403 forbidden response.

If the request is from your Twilio account, there are three cases you’re handling here:

  1. The user sends a photo and a filter command (happy case)
  2. The user sends a photo, but no filter command
  3. The user doesn’t send a photo

Let’s dive into the happy case, that’s where all the fun stuff happens.

Step 4: Apply the filter using CamanJS and reply with the new photo

In order to complete the happy case, your app is going to need to do the following:

  1. Download the photo that was sent via MMS to the local temp file system.
  2. Apply the specified filter to that local file.
  3. Save the resulting file to the app’s static directory.
  4. Send an MMS reply to the user with the new, filtered photo attached.

Modify the head of your Node app and require the following modules:


var Hapi = require('hapi')
  , Joi = require('joi')
  , Boom = require('boom')
  , uuid = require('node-uuid')
  , os = require('os')
  , fs = require('fs')
  , request = require('request')
  , Caman = require('caman').Caman
  , twilio = require('twilio');


Next, hardcode a list of valid filters that users can apply.


// valid filters -

var filters = [


In the handleMessage  method create a twiml  object. You will use this to send text message replies to the users.


 var filter = req.payload.Body.toLowerCase().trim();
 var twiml = new twilio.TwimlResponse();

Next, add some code to check and see if the filter sent in the text body of the MMS matches a filter in your list:

 console.log('Processing MMS: ', mediaUrl, mediaContentType, filter);

 // see if a valid filter was passed
 var filterValid = false;
 for (i in filters) {
   if (filter === filters[i].toLowerCase()) {
     filterValid = true;
     filter = filters[i];

Now, tweak the if statement below to check for filterValid  being true. If it is, send an immediate SMS reply to the user letting them know to hang tight. This is polite because depending on the size of the photo or the complexity of the filter it could take some time to get a filtered photo back.

 // check to see that the user has submitted an image

 if (mediaUrl && mediaContentType && mediaContentType.indexOf('image') >= 0) {
   // check to see that a valid filter command was passed
   if (filterValid) {
     // send immediate reply
     twiml.message('Thanks for the awesome photo! Applying filter now..');

     applyFilter(mediaUrl, filter, from, to, url_base);

The applyFilter  method is where the magic happens. It creates a unique UUID which you will use as the filename when you download the user’s original photo to the server’s local file system. You’ll then use the Caman module to apply the filter and save the new file to the static  directory, which makes it available to be served publicly. Finally you’ll delete the temporary file.

* Download and apply filter to photo
var applyFilter = function(mediaUrl, filter, from, to, url_base) {
 // create a unique UUID for all of our video/gif processing
 var id = uuid.v1();

 var original = os.tmpdir() + "/" + id;
 var filtered = id + ".png";
 var filteredPath = "./static/" + filtered;

 // Save the remote image file to the /tmp fs
 download = request(mediaUrl).pipe(fs.createWriteStream(original));

 download.on('finish', function() {
   // initialize CamanJS
   Caman(original, function () {
     // apply the filter
     this.resize({width: 600});
     this.render(function () {
       // save to the file system;
       console.log('Saved: ', filtered);
       // delete the temp file
       fs.unlink(original, function(err) {});
       sendPhoto(url_base, filtered, from, to);


You might notice that the resulting file is being resized down to a width of 600px. This will help ensure that the new file isn’t too big and will successfully get sent via MMS. Feel free to tweak that value to your liking.

Now that you’ve got a new photo with an awesome filter applied, it’s time to send it to your grateful user. In order to do that, create an instance of the Twilio REST client towards the top of your program. This is what you will use to send an outbound MMS.

// client to Twilio REST API
var client = new twilio.RestClient();

The sendPhoto  method builds a fully-qualified URL based on the host of the server and the name of the new file.

* Send an MMS with the filtered photo attached
var sendPhoto = function(url_base, photo, from, to) {
 // an assumption made here is that the protocol is HTTP
 var photoUrl = url_base + '/' + photo;
   to: from, from: to,
   body: 'Powered by Twilio MMS',
   mediaUrl: photoUrl}, function(err, responseData) {
     if (err) {
       console.log('Error sending MMS: ', JSON.stringify(err));

Now that the happy case is out of the way, modify handleMessage  to send the list of valid filters if they send one that your app doesn’t recognize:

   else {
     // else respond with a list of valid filters
     twiml.message('Hmmm, I do not recognize the filter "'+ filter + 
       '".\n\n' + 'Valid filters are: ' + filters.join(', '));


Send the user general instructions on how to use the app if they don’t send a photo at all:


 else {
   // send instructions for app
   twiml.message('Thanks for trying Phonestagram, the photo filtering ' +
     'and sharing app that works on any phone! Just text a photo to this ' +
     'number and specify the filter you would like.\n\nValid filters are: ' +
     filters.join(', '));


At this point you have built a fully functional Node application that accepts photos and a desired filter, applies the filter and sends the new photo back to the user. Let’s connect it to Twilio and test it out.

Step 5: Configuring the Twilio Messaging URL and Testing

Log-in to your Twilio account dashboard and click on Numbers. Edit your MMS-enabled Twilio number (US & Canada only) and edit the Messaging Request URL to point to your server’s IP address at port 3000 with the path /message . Click Save.


Now, set a couple of environment variables. On your Dashboard, you’ll see a Twilio Account SID and Auth Token. Run the commands below on the command line, substituting your credentials.



Lastly, start your Node app:

node .

Now’s the moment of truth! Compose an MMS to your Twilio number with the name of a filter (try “nostalgia”) and attach a photo of your choice. If all is well, you’ll see something like this:

2014-11-07 10.52.32

Boom! That’s pretty rad, huh? Thanks to my amazing wife and daughters for being part of today’s tutorial.

However, in order to be an Instagram replacement you still need to make it easy to share/display these news photos with people. Let’s wrap-up this application by building a simple webpage that displays the most recent photo that you’ve taken.

Step 6: Update the webpage in real-time with

Open up static/index.html  and add the following lines:

<!doctype html>

    <img id="photo" src="" alt="latest photo approved by admin"/>

    <script src="/"></script>

    var socket = io();

    socket.on('connected', function(socket) {

    socket.on('new_media', function(url) {
      document.getElementById("photo").setAttribute("src", url);


The  img tag will contain the most recent photo. When the page is first loaded it will simply be blank. The first script  tag loads the  library. This will create a real time connection to your Node application and allow you to update the page without a reload. The next script tag defines two event handlers. The first event handler simply prints “Connected!” to the JS console upon a successful connection. The second event handler listens for the server to send a URL for a newly saved photo. A single line of JS does the job of updating the src  attribute of the image.

Now that your web page is finished, you just need to add some code to your Node app to send  new_media  messages to the browser when new photos are saved. Open up index.js and add the  module to the project and create an io  variable.


var Hapi = require('hapi')
  , Joi = require('joi')
  , Boom = require('boom')
  , uuid = require('node-uuid')
  , os = require('os')
  , fs = require('fs')
  , request = require('request')
  , Caman = require('caman').Caman
  , twilio = require('twilio');
  , socketio = require('')
  , io;

Next, modify how you start the web server:

// Start the server
server.start(function () {
 io = socketio.listen(server.listener);

 io.on('connection', function(socket){'connected', 'Connected!');

 console.log("Listening on port", process.env.PORT || 3000);


This binds  to your web app. When requests come in from the  client in the browser, they will get routed the  module instead of Hapi. The last thing you need to do is to edit the sendPhoto  method and use io.emit  to let the client/browser know that there is a new photo to display:


 var photoUrl = base_url + '/' + photo;
 // update website in realtime
 io.emit('new_media', photoUrl);

Restart your Node server and test it out. Load the webpage and then send an MMS to your app. You should see the filtered version of that app appear on the webpage in real-time!

Step 7: Store metadata about your photos using LevelDB

The last part of this tutorial involves using LevelDB to store meta data about your photos. LevelDB is incredibly easy to work with in Node and this data will come in super handy if you decided to extend this app and attempt any of the challenges that I lay out at the end of this tutorial.

First, require the level  module at the head of your app.

var Hapi = require('hapi')
  , Joi = require('joi')
  , Boom = require('boom')
  , uuid = require('node-uuid')
  , os = require('os')
  , fs = require('fs')
  , request = require('request')
  , Caman = require('caman').Caman
  , twilio = require('twilio');
  , socketio = require('')
  , level = require('level')
  , io;


Next, create a handle to the database. This will either create a mydb  directory or use one if it’s already there:


// handle to the DB (will establish lock)
var db = level('./mydb', {valueEncoding: "json"});

Last, save some data about your photos using db.put . LevelDB is a key/value store, so just use the UUID that you generated as the key and store whatever values you like. For each photo I’ve chosen to store the phone number of the user, the filter they chose and the name of the filtered photo on disk:

       console.log('Saved: ', filtered);
       // save some metadata to our db
       db.put(id, {filter: filter, number: from, file: filtered});
       // delete the temp file
       fs.unlink(original, function(err) {});


Wrapping up

In under 200 lines of JavaScript and markup you have created your very own Instagram replacement! We walked through:

  • Installing graphics manipulation libraries on an Ubuntu server.
  • Creating a simple Node web application using Hapi.
  • Processing incoming photos using CamanJS.
  • Receiving and sending MMS messages using Twilio.
  • Updating a web page in real time using
  • Storing data about our photos using LevelDB.

The complete source code for this app is MIT licensed and hosted on Github. Feel free to use or modify as you like!

Challenges Left to the Reader

While your app is cool, there are three features that would make it pretty epic if implemented:

  1. Show the last N photos on the webpage instead of just the last one. This will require some client-side JavaScript to build new DOM elements and keep track of the array of images currently loaded.
  2. Show the last N photos on a fresh page load. This will require pulling the photos out of LevelDB in Node and passing these images to the webpage when it loads.
  3. Restrict photos sent to the public website to an allowed list of phone numbers. After all, you don’t want just anybody to be able to update your awesome Phonestagram website, right?

Ok, that’s it. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial on building your own Instagram clone. If you tackle any of the challenges above, definitely post your code on Github and let me know about it (@crtr0 on Twitter). Happy hacking!