Build an SMS Proxy that Redacts PII from Conversation Threads Using Twilio SMS, Pangea Redact Service, and Python
Time to read: 7 minutes

It is better to give than to receive — the seemingly universal proverb does not apply to your personal data. In the information era of the internet, fueled by how much information companies can acquire about their customers, giving them the ability to regulate unintentional data leaks in digital communications can be a gift that both delights your customers and gains their trust. In this post, you will learn how to redact sensitive or personal information unintentionally sent through Twilio-powered SMS conversations using Pangea’s Redact service.
By the end of the tutorial you’ll have:
- Set up a free Pangea account and Access Token for interacting with the Redact Service
- Set up a Django and Python application that utilizes the Twilio SMS and Pangea SDKs to redact sensitive information
- Run the application locally on your workstation
- Configured Twilio webhooks to invoke your app using ngrok
If you’d like to try a live version of the redact service before building your own, send a message that contains an email address to the following number.
+1 415 662-0675 |
Try something like “Hi, my name is Nicolas Vautier and my email address is”
- A free or paid Twilio account
- A Twilio phone number
- A free Pangea account
- Python 3, Django web framework, and ngrok
Set up your Pangea account and Access Token
Once you’ve signed up for Pangea, log in and access the Pangea Console. Set up the Redact service by selecting Redact Audit Log from the left-hand navigation menu.

Review the benefits of the service and select Next to continue.

Create an Access Token
by selecting a token name, expiration date, and token scope — or use the default values by selecting Done.

Make a note of the Config ID, service Domain, and access Token. You will use each of these values to interact with the service from your app’s code in the next step.

Select Rulesets from the left-hand navigation menu, and select PII. Enable the types of data you would like redacted from messages sent through your service, for example, EMAIL_ADDRESS and PERSON. Confirm the configuration changes by clicking Save.

Get the code
Clone the SMS proxy app:
Change the working directory to your new Django project, redact_twilio_proxy, with the following command:
Take a moment to explore the project's files and configure them to your environments.
- - Django's command-line utility for administrative tasks, such as running a development web server
- .env - Contains the environment variables the app will reference.
- requirements.txt - contains the application dependencies. The Twilio Python Helper Library and Pangea SDK are both listed.
- redact/views.js - The application source file that contains a single function to handle incoming SMS messages.
Install the Python modules used by the application
Before installing dependencies it is recommended that you create and activate a virtual environment where you can install them without affecting your global environment. You can do so in the root project directory with the following commands if you are working in a Mac or Unix environment:
If you are working in a Windows environment, run the commands below instead:
Then to install each dependency listed in the requirements.txt file, run the following command from the root of the project directory:
Configure and run the app
The application source reads 7 variables from the .env file.
to authenticate your app with the Twilio service.PANGEA_DOMAIN
to authenticate with the Pangea service.TARGET_NUMBER
are used to determine where to forward incoming SMS messages.
Modify the .env file by replacing each {REPLACE}
tag with the corresponding value. For the PANGEA_
specific variables, use the three values you noted in the previous section, or retrieve them from the Pangea Console by navigating to the Secure Audit Log tab. The Twilio values for ACCOUNT_SID
can be found on the landing page of the Twilio Console. OWNER_NUMBER
should each be a valid E.164 phone number you’d like to test with. For example, OWNER_NUMBER
can be set to your mobile phone number and TARGET_NUMBER
to a friend's number who you’d like to start and record an auditable message thread with. An example of an E.164 formatted number in the US is +16502223333.
Verify your changes to the .env file with the git diff
The output should look similar to this:
Code walkthrough
Inspect the contents of the redact/ source file. The user defined environment variables set in the .env file will be loaded by the load_dotenv()
Then, read the Twilio account variables and assign them to accountSid
and authToken
respectively. Use them to instantiate an instance of the twilio
class defined in the SDK.
The Pangea SDK classes are imported and the PANGEA_
values are assigned to their respective variables. A PangeaConfig
object is created and used to create a RedactService
Read each of the recipient numbers into local variables. These values will be used to determine where to relay incoming messages to.
The code reviewed thus far will execute when the Django app is loaded by the web server. Next, declare a function to handle requests. You will configure Twilio to invoke this function each time your Twilio owned number receives an SMS. The function’s response and actions taken will be determined by the contents of the object passed in as the request
Determine the destinationNumber
to relay the message to.
- If the message originated from the owner, send it to the target.
- If the message came from the target, send it to the owner.
- If the message came from any other number, reply back to the sender with the redacted message.
Read the original message from the incoming request and pass it to the redact
method of the `redactService. This will invoke the Pangea Service to return a modified version of the supplied text depending which redact rulesets are enabled. You can explore the different rulesets or create your own on the Pangea Console.
If the response returned from the redact
service is marked as a success, extract the redacted_text
from the result and use the twilioClient
to relay the redacted message to the destinationNumber
and return a blank response to complete the function execution.
If the relayed message was affected by the redact operation, notify the original sender that a modified version of their message was sent to the recipient.
In the case that the redact failed, or if there are any other failures, reply to the sender with the error details.
Run the sample
Django projects are bundled with the command-line utility,, to help you interact with your project. Use the following command to start a development server on your local machine:
You’ll see the following output on the command line:
Your web app is now running! Your function is waiting to respond to requests sent to, but this URL is only reachable from your local computer. You’ll need to make the endpoint accessible publicly so Twilio can query it when an SMS is received.
Make your app accessible publicly on the internet with ngrok
Twilio has a couple great tutorials, Test Your Webhooks Locally with ngrok, covering this use case in detail and an update for using the latest version, Using Ngrok in 2022. Visit the links for details or follow these quick instructions to get started quickly:
- Download the version for your particular system and install it to a location of your choice.
- Using the terminal, navigate to the folder you installed it to.
- Run
./ngrok http 8000
on Linux and Mac, and justngrok http 8000
on Windows to start ngrok and tell it which port to expose to the public internet
You should see the following output on the command line:
Make a note of the Forwarding base URL above. It will be needed to configure your Twilio programmable phone number to query your app for instruction when an SMS is received.
If you do not already have a Twilio number, follow these instructions:
- Go to your Phone Numbers Dashboard.
- Click Buy a Number.
- Search for a number that suits you.
- Click Buy.
- Confirm your purchase, then click Setup Number.

Otherwise, navigate to the Active numbers panel of the Twilio console and select the number you’d like to use with this service.

Under Messaging, look for the line that says “A message comes in.” Change the first box to “Webhook” and add the ngrok base URL with the path to the redact/ endpoint appended to it in the second box. Yours should look similar to https://[your generated ID]
. Save the configuration. The function on your local machine will now be invoked every time an SMS is sent to this number.

Test and verify the conversation audit trail
That's it! You now have a proxy number between the OWNER_NUMBER
you configured in the .env file. Use a cellphone with either number to send an SMS to the Twilio number you purchased and configured to invoke your function. The SMS contents of each message will be inspected by the Pangea Redact service for the data types you enabled on the Pangea Console and will be redacted and replaced with the appropriate generic tag before forwarding the message to the other participant. Similarly when the recipient replies, their message will be forwarded back to you, creating a conversation thread on the SMS apps on both your phones. You can update the data types that get redacted at any time without having to redeploy or make changes to your app.
In this article you learned how to build and run an SMS proxy that redacts sensitive information from conversations. Regardless of your use case, whether it is a live customer support channel or automated AI chat bot, regulating and minimizing the unintentional disclosure of your user’s private or sensitive data can have a monumental impact on their trust of your service.
Nicolas Vautier is a Developer Advocate at Pangea Cyber and is a privacy and data security enthusiast. If you have questions, comments, or ideas for future posts, Nicolas can be reached at Follow him on Twitter @DeveloperEnvY to join his journey as he helps unify security services for app builders @PangeaCyber.
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