Getting Physical with Twilio

April 09, 2011
Written by
Rahim Sonawalla
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

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Let’s get physical this week. Got an Arduino? Maybe a phone-controlled front door? Mashup the Twilio API with something physical and you could win yourself $100 in Twilio credit, Twilio swag, and (since we’re getting physical) a Parrot Quadricopter AR Drone that’s fully programmable using their open API!

Since this contest is a little more involved, you’ll have two weeks to get an awesome project together.

Here are some great videos and tutorials to get you started on your hardware hacking odyssey.


SMS powered door lock


Controlling an Arudino using the Twilio API

Entries must be submitted by 11:59pm PT on Sunday April 17th. Entries can be submitted here.

Extra Credit

We’re teaming up with our friends at Pachube for an extra credit round. Use the Twilio API and Pachube’s API and in addition to the Quadricopter AR Drone, you could also win $200 cash courtesy of Pachube.

For those of you that are new to Pachube, Pachube is platform for storing, using, and sharing data from the Internet of Things, allowing you to monitor and control sensors and devices in the world around you. Check out their Intro post and Quickstart Guide to get up to speed. Have a look through some of their tutorials or jump right into sample code.

What’s This Developer Contest All About?

Each week we announce a new category to encourage developers to try Twilio for different use cases, industries, and integrations.  As a language-agnostic platform for cloud communications, we want to see developers from all backgrounds find success and solve problems with Twilio.  To fire your imagination and reward your efforts, we’ve run this developer contest for over a year.

How To Get Involved

Submissions to the contest can be submitted here.  If you need any help or want to bounce ideas off other Twilio developers, please join us on our forums or drop a note to