Twilio Makes a Comeback in Seattle with Office Hours & Startup Weekend

May 17, 2012
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This post was originally posted on the Startup Weekend blog, found here. Carter Rabasa is a Twilio Developer Evangelist based in Seattle and he’s looking forward to meeting all the local developers so say hello at

Twilio is gearing up for a big weekend in Seattle as we’re sponsoring Seattle Startup Weekend and I’m excited to spend this time with the local tech community. Twilio was started in Seattle, so this city figures deeply into our DNA and since I’m based here, my objective was clear:  find the startups in Seattle, who is supporting them and how I can help. I’m thrilled to announce that Twilio will be hosting regular office hours in The Easy, located in the basement of Founder’s Co-op, every Wednesday, from noon-2pm.

The purpose of these office hours are for startups to get their technical and business questions answered.  Feel free to bring your code, show off your prototypes and work through your ideas while meeting other Twilio developers in Seattle.  You can just show up or sign-up for a slot.

Despite having lived in Seattle for over two years, I was just beginning to uncover the local tech community. After joining the Twilio team I spent the first few months getting to know the different places that entrepreneurs and developers spend time.  These ranged from co-working spaces to incubators to coffee shops.  I also got to know many of the people who support and provide services to startups.  I was impressed by what I saw, but also realized that Seattle has a ways to go to provide the same kind of ecosystem that startups enjoy in places like San Francisco and New York.  Still, one place that I visited really blew my socks off.

In March I had the chance to meet Chris Devore.  Chris and his business partner Andy Sack operate Founder’s Co-op.  FC is both a seed-stage fund and  one of the most vibrant spaces for startups and entrepreneurs in Seattle.  In addition to housing FC-funded companies, FC plays host to TechStars Seattle from August to November. After talking to Chris, it was obvious that FC was the logical home for the Twilio Seattle office.  So, in April we moved in!

I am really excited about Twilio’s expanding presence in Seattle and our new home in Founder’s Co-op.  Every time I turn around, a new building has gone-up in South Lake Union or a new incubator has popped-up downtown.  More and more people are taking the plunge and starting companies, which means that companies that support this (like Twilio and Startup Weekend) have a lot more people to help.  We’re looking forward to it!