WeatherGram Takes Top Prize in the @WeatherAPI & Twilio Developer Contest

May 30, 2012
Written by
Meghan Murphy
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

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In our April developer contest the Weather Underground API really inspired people in the community to build cool things and great mashup apps with Twilio. It was tough to choose one winner, let alone top three out of the mass of rockstar API mashups submitted.

One app did rise above the rest with both creativity and technical valor, and two runner ups followed close behind impressing our team of Weather Ground judges. Check out the apps below.

1st Place WeatherGram Sings Your Forecast

Hung Troung
Built by developer Hung Troung, WeatherGram provides you with a new way to get your daily forecast with songs about weather. Dial 505-404-6924, put in your zipcode and hear a weather-related song that provides your forecast for the next four days. Hung took home a personal weather station thanks to Weather Underground, along with a Twilio track jacket. Follow Hung on Twitter @hungtruong.

2nd Place Canadian Thor Gives You Upcoming Rough Weather Reports

Hailing from Canada, William Cheung built an app based around the theme of Thor. Text your commands to see where in Canada you will be able to expect inclement weather like ‘fog’, ‘thunder’, or ‘ice age’. The reply will provide the forecasts with the earliest coming first. It’s a way for Canadian travellers to anticipate bad weather. This was a crowd favorite as Programmable Web featured Canadian Thor as a Mashup of the day.

3rd Place PIG-WTHR Local Conditions in Pig Latin

Anyone can get a weather forecast, but what about a weather forecast in Pig Latin? You can now exercise your fluency in the language with PIG-WTHR. To hear your local forecast call 1-888-PIG-WTHR. Developer Alex Swan created a video tutorial below if you’d like to build your own, and a great ‘How To’ blog post here. Make sure to follow this DOer @bigboldflank.

Honorable and Awesome Mentions 

There were too many awesome hacks, we couldn’t just stop at the top three. Take a look at the Overly Cautious Password Generator by Greg Baker. The best passwords are truly random and what’s more random than weather? Fill out a simple form online which generates a password based on a random weather report. You’ll then receive a call that will dictate your new password to you. Give a try on the Overly Cautious webpage here and follow Greg @grizeg.

Meet teemBOT, the app that organizes events for groups with updates around weather forecast and even updates via SMS. Developed by Willie Sanchez, It can work for managing a local club or keeping track of a pro team. Any question from “Is the game cancelled?” to “Does it look like rain?” gets an answer and if the app doesn’t know the question is forwarded to the app manager. Willi has teemBOT is in beta right now but you can sign up for updates.

First place took home a top notch personal weather station and runner ups received a Kindle with a $100 gift card. If you’re ready to put your apps up to the challenge, get inspired and grab developer glory, watch @twilio on Twitter and check for the latest.