Streamline your Onboarding with Lookup Identity Match: Secure Real-time Identity Verification

Streamline your Onboarding with Lookup Identity Match: Secure Real-time Identity Verification
October 12, 2023

In today's digital landscape, the mobile phone number stands out as a widely recognized means of confirming one's identity. It has the ability to provide a way for businesses to contact their customers through diverse communication channels such as SMS, WhatsApp, Email, Voice and more, but also gives the potential to reveal information about the user's identity. 

This particular method of identity verification can assist businesses in evaluating whether the user poses a risk to their platform and its user community. Being able to confirm that a user is submitting their true identity information not only safeguards the platform but also has the potential to enhance conversion rates by maintaining a healthy user base and providing a positive user experience.

Lookup Identity Match is your ally for this goal. And we are proud to announce that we are moving it from Public Beta to Generally Available.

Lookup Identity Match (now generally available)

Lookup Identity Match efficiently verifies the identity associated with a provided phone number by cross-referencing user-supplied information with reliable sources, all while maintaining security and ease of use. This process is both secure and convenient, eliminating the need for users to submit official documents like passports or proof of address.

How Lookup Identity Match works

Lookup Identity Match uses real time confirmation of user-supplied data such as first name, last name, and address during account registration against authoritative sources. It provides matching scores for each data element so your business can prevent user registrations if the identity data submitted is not accurate. All while keeping personal identifiable information secure.

During onboarding, Identity Match also builds a strong relationship with the end user who owns a particular mobile phone number, allowing businesses to use the same mobile phone number for two factor authentication possession checks (using Twilio Verify) in all account transactions (Logins, account updates, transactions)

Who can use it

Lookup Identity Match is designed for any consumer-facing business that needs to securely confirm the identity of its customers or users and simplify the onboarding experience.

What the difference is

Lookup Identity Match increases security in your onboarding flow without disrupting the user experience. For example, Tradier improved their KYC process by reducing the approval time by 90% using Identity Match. As Peter Laptewicz mentioned, “We’re not just relying on traditional methods but also relying on these new signals that can help prevent fraud. It is safe to say that we have caught several signals of fraud using Identity Match”. Another example, twenty of our beta customers realized 24,000 queries during the month of September. About 78% of those queries received a response from Identity Match, meaning that for 8 out of 10 users they were able to assess whether their identities matched or not what the phone number had in other authoritative data bases.

Accelerating the onboarding process reduces the risk of users getting frustrated and abandoning it. This also translates into users spending more time engaged with your app or platform. Click here to learn more about Lookup Identity Match.