The Top 3 Reasons Your Business Should Use Call Tracking

September 20, 2011
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If your business gets inbound leads over the phone or includes its phone number in marketing campaigns, then call tracking should be part of your model. Trying to understand your marketing performance without a call tracking solution is akin to throwing darts in the dark.

Why you should use call tracking

Here are the top three reasons why you should implement call tracking to get analytics on your phone leads:

1.   Know your customer: To give you metrics on your inbound calls, call tracking solutions create a unique phone number, like an ID, for each of your online or offline ads and direct these numbers to your sales line. Have an advertisement on Facebook? The number you use there will be different than the number in the ad you may have on LinkedIn, which will be different than the number you use in the Yellow Pages or on a billboard. The point is to know where your customer is coming from, so you can tailor the message accordingly.

For example, if a phone lead is coming from your ad in the Yellow Pages, you may want to approach her differently than you would if she came from Facebook. Different demographics, different needs.

2.   Know your best ads: By using call tracking, you can figure out which marketing and advertising efforts are paying off, and which are wasting your cash.

Let’s say you have three major campaigns: One is paid search (Google), one is social (Facebook) and the last is offline (print) Each of these campaigns would have unique numbers – all pointing to your sales line. By providing analytics on each unique number, call tracking lets you quickly determine which campaign is the most effective at generating inbound leads.

3.   Know your metrics: Call tracking is a simple solution that will give you significantly more data about your business.

Educating the current staff or hiring specialists to learn where a lead is coming from can be expensive and/or unreliable. For a small business, your call center may consist of a few people. Time spent garnering data on how customers found you could be used getting even more leads and more sales.

If you take the online survey route, the problem is that not every customer will have the patience to fill out the contact form completely. Requiring the completion of a lengthy form will turn off some customers, while having incomplete information puts you back at square one.

By using call tracking, you get the offline data to track the lead conversion process from beginning to end. Without call tracking, you’re shooting blind.

Learn more about building call tracking on Twilio