
Navigate the future of CX with Flex 2.x.x

Enjoy out-of-the-box agent experiences across channels, detailed customer views, plus hyper-personalized agent conversations, recommendations, and insights.

Navigate the future of CX with Flex 2.x.x

Important notice for customers

New and existing Twilio Flex environments that were deployed after Dec 2022 were onboarded to UI 2.x.x and will have access to the latest features. 

Twilio Flex has started to End of Life (EOL) UI V1.X. We are requiring customers to migrate to 2.x.x by July 2024. 

Customers will still be able to log in and access Flex after this date for support. However, new features will no longer be available. 

With increased focus on artificial intelligence, omnichannel, and real-time data, contact centers have launched toward the future within the past few years. To be blunt, highly personalized experiences are now table stakes. Customers are busy, and their time is precious. They don’t want to spend it rehashing basic information every time they call your business. 

The race toward customer loyalty is less a sprint and more a marathon, with new technologies introduced all the time. It can understandably feel overwhelming having to update strategies to keep your contact center in the race. But the competition is steep and to fall behind means customers will simply take their business elsewhere.

According to the Harvard Business Review, while 89% of large companies globally have a digital and AI transformation underway, they have only captured 31% of the expected revenue lift and 25% of expected cost savings from the effort. Your business needs to be able to deploy a customer experience that aligns with your vision and pre-designed features to accelerate time to value. 

Enter Twilio Flex User Interface 2.x.x, which offers the following:

  • Real-time, first party data to provide a detailed view of every individual customer with Flex Unify

  • CustomerAI that uses your data to hyper personalize virtual agent conversations, agent assist recommendations, and insights to reduce operational costs

  • Out of the box agent experience for Voice, SMS, Chat, WhatsApp, Email, MMS, Google Business Messages*, and Facebook Messenger* channels

Twilio Flex 2.x.x also empowers businesses to interact with customers using both inbound and outbound digital messaging, support building accessible plugins and experiences for disabled users using Twilio Paste, and updated versions of React, Material, Redux and Emotion.

Flex Unify

To offer that highly personalized experience, contact centers must be able to fully understand their customers. That’s where Flex Unify helps.

Flex Unify creates what we call a golden customer profile using real-time data collection and activation to unify multiple backend enterprise systems. This provides a customer profile that can continually be updated as agents interact with customers.

Flex Unify goes far beyond collecting traditional data such as phone numbers and email addresses. It offers data such as recent website click streams, ad impressions, plus recent purchases and returns. This data can be used to create inferred traits, including churn risk and lifetime value, helping businesses identify cross-sell or upsell opportunities/

Instead of searching through multiple tabs to identify the proper customer data needed for each specific interaction, Flex Unify filters data and provides customer-facing teams with real-time, relevant information.

And each interaction deepens this understanding of each customer and highlights how to engage with them moving forward. This is what we call the virtuous cycle of customer engagement at Twilio.


Artificial intelligence has infused itself into the very core of our beings as businesses, and contact centers are no exception. Flex 2.x.x empowers businesses to integrate that AI into their  contact center solutions by pairing with Flex Unify to create that golden customer profile.

Twilio’s CustomerAI provides an open and extensible technology layer that differentiates how AI impacts customer engagement. Together with Flex Unify, CustomerAI shares customers’ inferred and predictive traits with contact centers. This data helps contact centers collect, perceive, and activate data in real-time as well as blend in-store and online customer experiences.

With CustomerAI, businesses can personalize their communication, route to the correct agents, and share recommended responses for each specific customer. And all this information is available to agents right on one dashboard, instead of several tabs they need to navigate throughout customer interactions.


Ready to integrate AI into your contact center strategy?

Check out our ebook to learn more about implementing AI into your customer journey in order to increase customer enagement today. 

Learn more


Flex Conversations

As you know, the days of customers only interacting with businesses and contact centers through solely the phone are far gone. They have their preferred channels they want to use to connect with your business, and Twilio Flex Conversations enables them to do that. 

With Flex Conversations, your contact center has the digital channel capabilities to communicate with both customer-initiated (inbound flows) and business-initiated interactions (outbound flows). 

Customers can interact with your agents through whichever channel they prefer—Voice, SMS, Chat, WhatsApp, Email, MMS, Google Business Messages, and Facebook Messenger. However, agents only need to use the Flex agent desktop chat interface to respond, cutting down on several tabs and consolidating communication.

How to migrate to Flex UI 2.x.x

Twilio offers several options for migrating to Flex UI 2.x.x. Businesses who have in-house developer teams can migrate on their own. If this is the route you take, we recommend checking out this guide, which includes an overview, including migrating with or without custom plugins.

Your business also has the ability to tap into Twilio Professional Services. Twilio’s Flex UI 2.x.x Upgrade Assessment connects your team with Flex solutions experts who will complete a focused evaluation of your business’s environment and provide documented recommendations for a smooth upgrade to Flex UI v2. If you decide to take this route, start by reaching out to your Twilio Account Executive to learn more about this service.

Lastly, you can reach out to one of Twilio’s partners. Twilio has an ecosystem of System Integrator partners that work extensively with Flex. They can assess your business’s current Flex environment and develop a strategy to migrate to Flex 2.x.x, helping your organization to realize the benefits of feature enhancements.

You can find a list of our recommended partners below:

Blacc Spot Media (Atlanta, GA) 

Ciptix (Manchester, UK) 

HGS Digital (Austin, TX and Bengaluru, India) 

Perficient (St Louis, MO)

Sabio (London, UK) 

Terazo (Richmond VA, and Berlin, Germany) 

Vision Point Systems (Fairfax, VA)

Waterfield Technologies (Tulsa, OK)


Interested in learning more about Twilio Flex 2.x.x functionalities? Contact your Twilio account team today to get started.