Live transcription with Twilio Media Streams, Azure Cognitive Services and Java

June 01, 2021
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Live transcription with Twilio Media Streams, Azure Cognitive Services and Java

Twilio Media Streams can be used to stream real-time audio data from a phone call to your server using WebSockets. Combined with a Speech-to-Text system this can be used to generate a real-time transcription of a phone call. In this post I’ll show how to set up a Java WebSocket server to handle audio data from Twilio Media Streams and use Azure Cognitive Services Speech for transcription.


In order to follow along, you will need to have:

If you want to skip ahead, you can find the completed code in my repo on GitHub.

Getting Started

To get a Java web project up and running quickly I recommend using the Spring Initializr. This link will set up all the config you need for this project. Click on “Generate” to download the project, then unzip it and open the project into your IDE.

There will be a single Java source file in src/main/java/com/example/twilio/mediastreamsazuretranscription called You won’t need to edit that file but it contains a main method that you can use later on to run the code.

Answering a phone call and starting Media Streaming

To start with, let's create code which will instruct Twilio to answer a phone call, say a short message and then start a media stream which we'll use to do the transcription. Twilio will stream binary audio data to a URL we provide, and we will send that on to Azure for transcription.

To start this off we need to create an HTTP endpoint which will serve the following TwiML on /twiml:

  <Say>Hello! Start talking and the live audio will be streamed to your app</Say>
    <Stream url="WEBSOCKET_URL"/>
  <Pause length="30"/>

Before we start coding let’s dig into this TwiML to see what’s happening:

  • The <Say> verb will use text-to-speech to read the “Hello!” message out loud
  • Then, <Start> a <Stream> to a WebSocket URL (we’ll see how to create that URL later on)
  • Finally, <Pause> for 30 seconds of transcription time, then hang up, ending the call and the transcription.

First, add the Twilio Helper Library to the project. This is a Gradle project so there is a file called build.gradle in the project root with a dependencies section, to which you should add:

implementation 'com.twilio.sdk:twilio:8.12.0'

We always recommend using the latest version of the Twilio Helper Library. The latest version is 8.12.0 and new versions are released frequently. You can always check the latest version at

In the same package as the MediaStreamsAzureTranscriptionApplication class create a class called TwimlRestController with the following code:

public class TwimlRestController {

    @PostMapping(value = "/twiml", produces = "application/xml")
    public String getStreamsTwiml() {

        String wssUrl = "WEBSOCKET_URL";

        return new VoiceResponse.Builder()
            .say(new Say.Builder("Hello! Start talking and the live audio will be streamed to your app").build())
            .start(new Start.Builder().stream(new Stream.Builder().url(wssUrl).build()).build())
            .pause(new Pause.Builder().length(30).build())

[this code with import statements on GitHub]

You can see that the WebSocket URL is hard-coded at the moment. That won’t do.

Building the WebSocket URL

The same app that we’re building to handle HTTP requests will also handle WebSocket requests from Twilio. WebSocket URLs look very similar to HTTP URLs, but instead of https://hostname/path we need wss://hostname/path.

To build the WebSocket URL, we need a hostname and a path. For the path we can choose anything we like (let’s use /messages), but the hostname needs a little more work. We could hard-code it but then we’d need to change the code every time we deploy somewhere new. A better approach would be to inspect the HTTP request to /twiml to see what hostname was used there, and indeed we will find it in the Host header. The full HTTP request looks like this

POST /twiml HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 0
Host: localhost:8080
User-Agent: HTTPie/0.9.8

There is a possibility that we will be deploying this app behind a proxy or an API gateway, which may need to sneak in and change the value of the Host header. Ngrok (which I will be using later in this tutorial) is such a proxy, so we need to also check the X-Original-Host header which will be set if Host has been changed. Some proxies will call this X-Forwarded-Host or even something else, but it’s the same thing. An HTTP request in this case might look like:

POST /twiml HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 0
Host: localhost:8080
User-Agent: HTTPie/0.9.8

For a request like this, the hostname in the wss:// URL should be Now we understand how to build the WebSocket URL, let’s see it in code. Change the TwimlRestController to this:

    @PostMapping(value = "/twiml", produces = "application/xml")
    public String getStreamsTwiml(@RequestHeader(value = "Host") String hostHeader,
                                  @RequestHeader(value = "X-Original-Host", required = false) String originalHostname) {

        String wssUrl = createWebsocketUrl(hostHeader, originalHostname);
        return new VoiceResponse.Builder()
            .say(new Say.Builder("Hello! Start talking and the live audio will be streamed to your app").build())
            .start(new Start.Builder().stream(new Stream.Builder().url(wssUrl).build()).build())
            .pause(new Pause.Builder().length(30).build())

    private String createWebsocketUrl(String hostHeader, String originalHostHeader) {

        String publicHostname = originalHostHeader;
        if (publicHostname == null) {
            publicHostname = hostHeader;

        return "wss://" + publicHostname + "/messages";

[this code with imports on GitHub]

A Quick Check

Check that everything is working as expected by running the main method in MediaStreamsAzureTranscriptionApplication through your IDE, or by running ./gradlew clean bootRun on the command line. The app will start up and you can use curl or any other HTTP tool to make a POST request to http://localhost:8080/twiml. My go-to tool for this kind of thing is HTTPie. Notice that the WebSocket URL in the response will be wss://localhost:8080/messages, because your client put Host: localhost:8080 as a header when it made the request. Ideal.

Handling WebSocket connections

Having a wss:// URL in your TwiML is all well and good, but we really need to put some code there to handle WebSocket requests from Twilio, otherwise it’s just another 404 link. In the same package again, create a class called TwilioMediaStreamsHandler with this content:

public class TwilioMediaStreamsHandler extends AbstractWebSocketHandler {

    public void afterConnectionEstablished(WebSocketSession session) {
        System.out.println("Connection Established");

    protected void handleTextMessage(WebSocketSession session, TextMessage message) {

    public void afterConnectionClosed(WebSocketSession session, CloseStatus status) {
        System.out.println("Connection Closed");

[this code including imports on GitHub]

Also, we need a configuration class. Call it WebSocketConfig, in the same package again:

public class WebSocketConfig implements WebSocketConfigurer {

    public void registerWebSocketHandlers(WebSocketHandlerRegistry registry) {
        registry.addHandler(new TwilioMediaStreamsHandler(), "/messages").setAllowedOrigins("*");

[this code including imports on GitHub]

The next thing to implement is connecting this up to Azure.

Adding a dash of Azure

You can get a good overview of the Azure Speech-to-Text service from their documentation. It’s a broad service and there’s a lot of ways you could use it. In any case you will need an Azure account. Sign up here if you don’t have one already. This project will comfortably fit in the free tier of 5 hours per month. Follow the Azure instructions to set up a Speech resource. The important things you will need for your code are:

  • The subscription key (a long string of letters and numbers)
  • The location or region (eg westus)

Set these as environment variables called AZURE_SPEECH_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY and AZURE_SERVICE_REGION and let’s see how to use them in code.

Add a dependency for the Azure Speech client SDK next to where you added the Twilio dependency in build.gradle. We will need a JSON parser later so add Jackson here too:

implementation group: '', name: 'client-sdk', version: "1.16.0", ext: "jar"
implementation 'com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core:2.12.3'

Create a package called azure next to all your classes, and in there a class called AzureSpeechToTextService to encapsulate the connection to Azure:

public class AzureSpeechToTextService {

    private static final String SPEECH_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY = System.getenv("AZURE_SPEECH_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY");
    private static final String SERVICE_REGION = System.getenv("AZURE_SERVICE_REGION");

    private final PushAudioInputStream azurePusher;

    public AzureSpeechToTextService(Consumer<String> transcriptionHandler) {

        azurePusher = AudioInputStream.createPushStream(AudioStreamFormat.getWaveFormatPCM(8000L, (short) 16, (short) 1));

        SpeechRecognizer speechRecognizer = new SpeechRecognizer(
            SpeechConfig.fromSubscription(SPEECH_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY, SERVICE_REGION),

        speechRecognizer.recognizing.addEventListener((o, speechRecognitionEventArgs) -> {
            SpeechRecognitionResult result = speechRecognitionEventArgs.getResult();
            transcriptionHandler.accept("recognizing: " + result.getText());

        speechRecognizer.recognized.addEventListener((o, speechRecognitionEventArgs) -> {
            SpeechRecognitionResult result = speechRecognitionEventArgs.getResult();
            transcriptionHandler.accept("recognized: " + result.getText());


    public void accept(byte[] mulawData) {

    public void close() {

[this code including imports on GitHub]

This is a fair amount of code so let’s break it down:

In the constructor:

  • Line 10: Create a PushAudioInputStream which we can use to send binary audio data to Azure.
  • Lines 12-14: Create and initialize the main Azure client class: SpeechRecognizer.
  • Lines 16-19: Add a callback for partial recognitions. This gives real time word-by-word transcriptions.
  • Lines 21-24: Add another callback, this time for complete recognitions. These will be complete sentences with correct capitalization and punctuation. They tend to be more accurate than the partial recognitions (we’ll see an example below) but are delivered slightly more slowly.
  • Line 26: speechRecognizer.startContinuousRecognitionAsync(); - open the connection to Azure.

The accept method on lines 29-31 takes a byte[] containing binary audio data from Twilio. The encoding that Twilio uses is called μ-law, which is designed for efficient compression of recorded speech. Unfortunately Azure does not accept μ-law-encoded data so we need to transcode it to a format that they do accept - namely PCM. The details of this are beyond the scope of this tutorial, but you can download the MulawToPcm class that’s used on line 30 above from GitHub into the azure package and use it directly.

Connecting the WebSocket handler to Azure

The last bit of code to add is the TwilioMediaStreamsHandler that you created earlier - methods in there are just placeholders at the moment, but they need to use the AzureSpeechToTextService. Replace the content of that class with:

public class TwilioMediaStreamsHandler extends AbstractWebSocketHandler {

    private final Map<WebSocketSession, AzureSpeechToTextService> sessions = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

    private final ObjectMapper jsonMapper = new ObjectMapper();
    private final Base64.Decoder base64Decoder = Base64.getDecoder();;

    public void afterConnectionEstablished(WebSocketSession session) {
        System.out.println("Connection Established");
        sessions.put(session, new AzureSpeechToTextService(System.out::println));

    protected void handleTextMessage(WebSocketSession session, TextMessage message) throws JsonProcessingException {

        JsonNode messageNode = jsonMapper.readTree(message.getPayload());

        String base64EncodedAudio = messageNode.path("media").path("payload").asText();

        if (base64EncodedAudio.length() > 0){
            // not every message contains audio data
            byte[] data = base64Decoder.decode(base64EncodedAudio);


    public void afterConnectionClosed(WebSocketSession session, CloseStatus status) {
        System.out.println("Connection Closed");

[this code with imports on GitHub]

This code keeps a Map<WebSocketSession, AzureSpeechToTextService> so that multiple calls can be transcribed at once without the audio interfering from one call to another. Each AzureSpeechToTextService is initialized on line 11. The constructor takes a Consumer<String> which is used to handle transcriptions as they come back from Azure. Here I have passed System.out::println as a method reference.

The handleTextMessage method will be called about 50 times a second, as new audio data arrives from Twilio in tiny chunks. The messages are JSON formatted with the μ-law audio data base64-encoded within the JSON so we use Jackson and java.util.Base64 to extract the audio data and pass it along.

🎉🎊 Finally, we are code-complete 🎊🎉

Using this code with a real phone number

Log in to your Twilio account (use this link if you need to create one now - you will get $10 extra credit when you upgrade your account). Buy a phone number and head to the configuration page for your new number. You want to put a URL for when “a call comes in” under “Voice & Fax”. But what URL? Currently the app is only available on a localhost URL, which Twilio can’t reach. You have two options to expose your app to the public internet:

  1. Run ngrok directly
  2. Use the Twilio CLI.

Restart the app, either by running the main method from MediaStreamsAzureTranscriptionApplication or with ./gradlew clean bootRun on the command line. Either way, the server will listen on port 8080

Creating a public URL using ngrok

The following command will create a public URL for your localhost:8080 server:

ngrok http 8080

Ngrok’s output will contain a forwarding https URL like https://<RANDOM LETTERS>. This is the URL you need to put for when “a call comes in” in your Twilio console. Don’t forget to add the path of /twiml and save the phone number configuration.

Connect using the Twilio CLI

The Twilio CLI can be used to set up ngrok and configure your phone number in one step:

twilio phone-numbers:update <your phone number> --voice-url=http://localhost:8080/twiml

The Twilio CLI detects the localhost URL and sets up ngrok for you. Neat.

Call me?

With the app running and ngrok or the Twilio CLI giving you a public URL that’s configured in the Twilio console, it’s time to make a phone call and watch your console for the output:

terminal session showing real-time transcription of "I'm talking and the live audio is being streamed to my app, amazing"

[see the full session on asciinema]

Wrapping up

Twilio Media Streams and Azure Cognitive Services Speech work well together to produce high-quality real time transcriptions. You could extend this to transcribe each speaker in a conference call separately, combine with other cloud services to create summaries, watch for keywords in a call, build tools to help call agents, or go wherever your imagination takes you.  If you have any questions about this or anything else you're building with Twilio, I'd love to hear from you.

  • 🐦 @MaximumGilliard
  • 📧

I can't wait to see what you build!